This is exactly what I am arguing. The very collection development is
flawed. "Every Reader His/Her Book" law is broken due to various
reasons - "march-ending" purchases; eye wash of adherence to
"prescriptive norms and magic numbers" of accreditation agencies and
as you have put it - "wishes or whims of the governing bodies".
Now choice is ours, should we try to rectify the root cause or
suppress the symptoms?
--Sukhdev Singh, NIC.
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 11:58 AM, T. Shahab
"Librarians work for the mankind"? Forgive me to sound churlish. This textbook comments appear me like rubbing salt to every practicing librarians' open wound. Librarains in the real work situation in most of the institutions in our counrty-whether public or private-have no larger profile than submitting with all docility at their command to the directives or sweet wishes or whims of the governing committee/Principal/Professors/Directors/Vice-Chancellors, etc. I haven't come across any Public or Academic librarian who feel empowered enough to acquire books with a view to cultivating best "Value system", without being in perpetual trepidation of having her/his choices being qestioned. Librarians in our contry may become effective instrunments in the development of an Information literate society provided the significance of libraries as an agent of social transformation is understood by those who are holding the reins of authority and power. Moreover, while seized with the issue of "Information literacy" we should also think of the usefulness of the long forgotten techniques used in library extension services. The true literacy is not really course book based. It is to banish the darknness of ignorance from our minds and to enable us to acuire various forms of competencies that should empower us to be engaged in the contemporary society beneficially for all. Regards. TANWIR
-----Original Message----- From: lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in [mailto:lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in] On Behalf Of Sukhdev Singh Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 1:50 PM To: Smita Chandra; lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in Cc: binu david Subject: Re: [LIS-Forum] Promoting reading habits
Are we just teachers? Or our responsibility goes beyond that?
I thought, it just the teachers who "force" their "pupils" to learn whatever is prescribed in their syllabus. A teacher transfers a domain of knowledge to its pupils. S/he deals with one generation (25 years equals to a generation). Fine, I have no objection to this. It is his/her duty. The roles are well defined; the person standing in the class knows the best.
Now there is something called social "value system". Conflicts between generations start from here. Call it "Generation Gap" if you like. Here the older generation always feel that their value system is better and more right than that of younger generation. The young feels just the opposite.
I am with the younger generation. I feel the younger generation is always right because they know better. After all they are born after 25 years. During these 25 years, the sum total of mankind knowledge gets added up (Quiz - How many times?). And Technology? How much does it change in 25 years?
While a teacher (not a researcher) merely transfers the existing known domain knowledge to its pupil, a librarian has more challenging task - s/he builds the knowledge base. S/he acquires the best knowledge produced and recorded; organizes; makes it findable and usable. Librarian does not work for a Generation. Librarian does not work for Money. Librarian does not subscribe to any particular Ideology. Librarian does not work for a particular Society or Community. Librarian WORKS FOR MANKIND. Libraries collectively form the MEMORY of MANKIND.
Now coming to philosophy of Library Science. I wonder whether we all have grown beyond Ranganathan. More of us are talking in terms of THIRD LAW (Every Book Its Reader - the promotional aspect) while ignoring the SECOND LAW (Every Reader his/her Book - the collection development aspect). As already hinted in my previous mail, priority should be according to the order of the Laws. For me the FIRST LAW (Books are for use) comes first, so I talk of Open Access. Collection development comes second and promotion comes third.
I am very happy that few of us actually pinpointed the root cause. It is the strict adhere to "numerical" and "magic numbers" prescribed by accrediting bodies.
Recently, I was invited at CMC Vellore < http://www.cochrane-sacn.org/symposium2008/workshops.html > to chair a session. There I got an opportunity to look to one poster. It was co-authored by Dr. R. R. Pathak, Depratment of Pharmacology, C U Shah Medical College, Surendranagar GUJARAT - 363001 and Sheikh, Rizwan, the Senior Librarian there.
I talked at length to Dr. Pathak during his poster presentation. His views are important to me. He is a PG Student of Pharmacology and a Library User. I requested a copy of the poster, which he sent me through email later (I can forward the same to whoever desires, or better if Rizwan is here and listening, I request him to make his presentation in lis-forum)
What does this poster say? It bursts the MCI's Library Norms and Magic Numbers. He shows how a private college can fill up "magic numbers" with books and journals that students would never need. He goes ahead with high pitch, which I don't like to circulate over here.
So you cannot have Second Law violated and then expect Librarian to operate the Third Law.
So Build Your Collection to the Needs of your User. Don't impose your own Value - System on the User.
User Knows the Best.
--Sukhdev Singh, NIC.
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Smita Chandra
wrote: Sorry am back once again...
The problem indeed lies somewhere else. Reading habits do not evolve over-night, but it is a long process having its roots in human beings as kids. Curiosity will no doubt drive anyone to read anything of his/her interest no matter where it is. But if we are talking of 'reading' for the sake of inner development and a more mature level of
understanding and a mature society in-turn, then it is the whole wide spectrum of 'reading habit' that comes into picture. There are n-book clubs of different trusts/ organizations however there is a deficiency
of a library, librarian, a school library, a public library (pls lets leave the BCL and USIS out of our 'Indian' list), or a library association in India involved directly or indirectly in such a process. (This bring to mind a question I have been pondering, is there any association at all between the National Book Trust of India and our libraries, lets say our National Library ?...pls can someone clarify ? )
There are some public libraries in the US, that hand out gift baskets containing books to 'expectant mothers' to read them out to their unborn ! ..sounds familiar to our culture too...oh yes thats also Abhimanyu from Mahabharat !!! So it is at THIS BASIC level that we have YET TO BEGIN working towards. Else we are all aware of the parallel education
system in our country, of the rote system of learning in schools, of ... are these the reason why school kids so shy away from their library periods ? Is there any study between such dynamic relations /interactions related also to school libraries / national association in this ? If yes, then has that been out forward to the varied boards on education set up time and again to bring reforms to the school syllabus and learning methodology. We see examples here being pointed from US, are people in such committees aware of the role a library has
in developing lets say 'reading habit' here ? Are there any librarians
or representatives of library associations ? What about the role of libraries in developing reading habits for the special kids ?
Smita-- Smita Chandra Librarian Indian Institute of Geomagnetism New Mumbai
Sukhdev Singh
wrote: But aren't we trying to reinvent the Wheel? Let us go back to our science.
Read and Understand the Second Law:
Better Buy a Copy and keep it on your table. I don't have to tell you the title. http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/1220/
Also remember the Second Law comes Before Third Law.
The problem lies somewhere else. Poor students!! Always at receiving end!!.
One question? Who told them to read SMSes? Second Question? Who told them to Google?
So if the Library collection is useful, it will be used. Put your useful books in Seven Locks, people will still ask for it. Don't you observe it daily in your library?
Sorry, the problem lies somewhere else. Do you still want to know the problem?
--Sukhdev Singh, NIC.
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 8:32 AM, Parinita Samant wrote:
Dear All,
This could be a very interesting point for discussion, as promoting reading habits will always be an important topic for all librarians.
Could we professionals work together on this forum and try to list out all possibilities for increased readership in libraries?
Thanks & Regards
Parinita Samant Hexaware Technologies Ltd Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400710
67919595 - Xt- 9707 "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all" -Oscar Wilde
-----Original Message----- From: lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in [mailto:lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in] On Behalf Of binu david Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:13 PM To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Promoting reading habits
Dear Friends
I am a Librarian with a self financing engineering college(only BTech/BE) in Kerala. Our library subscribes to around 80 print periodicals in the area of engineering and allied subjects. To promote reading habits of periodicals among students and faculty we have taken initiate like user education, current awareness etc. But the response to these initiatives are meagre. Yearly we are spending around 2 lakh on periodicals. So i need some valuable suggestions from my colleague's in promoting reading habits of our periodicals in optimum.
Hope soon I will receive a lot of suggestion from you people.
Thanking you
Binu David Librarian N J College of Engineering Pothandi Palghat
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