Dear colleagues,
I felt sad to read the message about the passing away of Shri Haravu. I
interacted with him just last month and to my mail, he replied that he is
responding to my mail from a bed because of fracture in spine. Never heard
While he was at my institute (National Institute of Oceanography) as Unesco
consultant, he wrote code for the SDI service using CDS/ISIS in the
back-end. Those were the preliminary lessons for me on CDS/ISIS Pascal. I
used those programming skills in writing codes for deriving results for
scientometric studies in my doctoral studies.
We also used his Delphi ISIS program to host a database of marine science
research on a CD developed for then NISSAT project.
First tests of NewGenLib in multiple libraries was conducted in the college
libraries in Goa. There are still over 10 libraries using this ILMS. This
was all organised by Dr. Konnur while he was the University Librarian at
Such and other activities made him keep visiting Goa and interact with us
during his productive years.
His association was always inspirational to me personally. We had an
interaction on the Karnatak music collection he developed as well as when
he switched to story writing.
Om Shanti
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Today's Topics:
1. L J Haravu passed away (Prakash K) 2. Reminder: CFP: Subject Access and Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing Competencies and Safeguarding Ethics” - IFLA WLIC Open Session (Dublin, Ireland) (Aida Slavic) 3. Re: L J Haravu passed away (Shamprasad Pujar)
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 20:18:07 +0530 From: Prakash K
To: "lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in" Subject: [LIS-Forum] L J Haravu passed away Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Shri L J Haravu, residing at Mysore has passed away on 2nd of night of March 2020 with brief illness of old age issues. He was a guiding spirit for LIS professionals at Mysuru. He was freelance information consultant. He was associated with Kesavan Institute of Information and Knowledge Management. He was also source behind developing NewGenLib LIS software. He was active on Facebook, specially with witty poems.
Laksminarasimh Jayaram Haravu b.1935, has Masters degree in Mathematics and Masters in Information Science.
Since 1964, Shri. Haravu was pioneer in designing and implementing computer - based tools to improve information services for scientific and technical users of libraries in India and globally. A mathematician by training, Haravu entered the information field at the National Scientific Documentation Centre in New Delhi. He has since collaborated in many projects and held senior positions at the Indian Institute of Technology, the National Small Industry Extension Training Institute(NISIET) and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL). He was consultant for DESIDOC, INFLIBNET, FAO, IDRC, ILRI, etc. He served as a head of the Library and Documentation services at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) , Hyderabad. He has developed utilities for use with Unesco’s Micro CDS/ISIS, Delphi-ISIS, SDI services. He was IASLIC Librarian of the year 1994.
I met him at ICRISAT as student of BLIS in 1991, he inspired us with lot of enthusiasm on current practices in Library Automation, Databases, Services, Future Trends, etc. and opportunities to work in LIS field. Till last year he was frequently visiting KSOU Library with his Engineer friend. I pray god almighty to rest his soul in peace and give strength to bear this great loss to his family.
Dr. K Prakash Secretary, MyLISA
-- ************ John B. Rose 1 Bis rue des Châtre-Sacs 92310 Sèvres, France Email: johnrose@alumni.caltech.edu _______________________________________________ LIS-Forum mailing list LIS-Forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/mailman/listinfo/lis-forum