Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 02:49:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Aloor Thomas Francis
Dear Professionals,
I have already raised the issue of UGC Career
Advancement Scheme for Librarians, few weeks back and
requested all professionals to whole heartedly
join this effort to rectify this anomaly.
As the qualifications prescribed by UGC for the
direct post of Deputy Librarian is MLISc + 5 years
experience in Asst. Librarian, it is justifiable to
fix the qualifications for the post of Asst. Librarian
MLISc 55% + NET or 5 years Experience in Junior
Libraian or equivalent (ie, the post just below
the Asst. Libraian).
The career advancement and other conditions like
advance increments, etc. for libraians should be
equal to that of teachers in colleges/universities.
It is highly unjustifiable to equate the librarians
with Asst. Registrars.
In Kerala, all posts of Asst./Dy./Joint Registrar are
filled by promotion. Their recruitment qualifications
are only any Degree. Their promotion is far far
sppedier than the teachers and other cadres. That is,
an Asst. Registrar will normally be promoted to
Dy. Registrar wihtin 2 years and also to the Joint
Registrar post within another two years.