Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:26:37 +0530 From: Shalini Urs
Dear LIS Professionals, �
There are conferences and conferences, but then there is one ORIGINAL
Digital Library Conference in India in 2013; and that is ICADL 2013. �
The year 2001 was truly an important milestone for the digital library
movement in India. Indian library community witnessed its first truly
international calibre conference in the domain of digital libraries in the
year 2001 with the 4th ICADL being held in Bangalore during December
10-12. ICADL 2001 brought “who is who” of digital library
community – Professors Hsinchun Chen, Prof Ian Witten, Edward Fox.
Gary Marchionini, Michael Shepherd, and many others. This time around also
ICADL promises to bring the best of digital library experts to India to
share their cutting edge research and practices in “ Social Media
and Community Networks”� �
We bring you the same conference series, now in its 15th version-ICADL
2013, whose papers are published by Springer as its Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, to you in India for the second time around after 12 long
years! �
For a glimpse of the accepted papers and posters
( � �
Here is an opportunity for the Indian LIS community to participate and
learn about the new tools for the digital era. Tutorials at ICADL 2013,
offer you an opportunity to retool and reposition yourself trough the
techniques of ‘ Data Mining’; ‘Text Mining’ and
‘Social Network Analysis’. For more details on the tutorials
( �
Special Attraction: InfoQuiz 2013: Come, compete and win fabulous prizes:
for more details ( � �
Registrations open: come and join the real Digital Library Conference
@ICADL 2013 �
For registrations: �
See you at the ICADL 2013! �
Shalini Chair, ICADL 2013 & Executive Director and Professor
International School of Information Management University of Mysore
Mysore- 570006 � �