Hello all, This is areally nice step taken in making the students aware of whats hot in the information world.Since i am an alumini of the Mysore university,LISc department,i have been lucky to witness and participate in few such activities under MULISA.I am sure this way we can have the students the feel of some of the things which cannot be covered under curriculum but yet they are informative and helpful in the future. I sincerely want to congratulate our teachers who are working hard in organizing such events and competitions..especially Harinarayana sir. Thanks and regards Monica sharma Regards & Thanx MONICA SHARMA Saunatie 2 B,12 Jyvaskyla 40600 Finland monica.shar@gmail.com +358408128757 --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. Hello all, This is areally nice step taken in making the students aware of whats hot in the information world.Since i am an alumini of the Mysore university,LISc department,i have been lucky to witness and participate in few such activities under MULISA.I am sure this way we can have the students the feel of some of the things which cannot be covered under curriculum but yet they are informative and helpful in the future. I sincerely want to congratulate our teachers who are working hard in organizing such events and competitions..especially Harinarayana sir. Thanks and regards Monica sharma Regards & Thanx MONICA SHARMA Saunatie 2 B,12 Jyvaskyla 40600 Finland mailto:monica.shar@gmail.com monica.shar@gmail.com +358408128757 http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTFqODRtdXQ4BF9TAzMyOTc1MDIEX3MDOTY2ODgxNjk... Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.