That's a big loss to L&IS community, globally... Let his soul rest in
I narrowly missed an opportunity to meet him, as he cd not make it for a
pre determined appointment at his office during my Fulbright days in 1993.
However his office was good enough to hand over a signed copy of his
famous book. Since then, I developed a passion for "Citation Analysis'.
Hundreds and thousands of thesis & dissertations must have been done on
this tool / technique in our L&IS schools in the last few decades... so we
shd salute this great scientist, thinker and innovator ! As old timers
would remember, his publication " Current Contents" use to be the must
have CAS tool in all major libraries, be it science, arts or social
sciences. It use to announce " Citation Classic " awards for those
authors whose article gets about 400+ citations and if I remember
correctly, Prof CNR Rao was one of the first Indian scientist to receive
Bp Prakash
Global Head, Information Resource Centre
Tata Consultancy Services
Experience certainty. IT Services
Business Solutions
From: Ishwar Goudar