Dear Moderator, Kindly arrange to announce the following to the lis-forum members. Yours truly, K.N. Prasad Executive Officer Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science 702, 42nd Cross, III Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560 010 Ph: 080-23305109 ; e-mail: srels@vsnl.com ---------- Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies, Chennai and Bangalore DRTC Alumni Association, Bangalore and Informatics (India) Limited, Bangalroe cordially invite you to a function to felicitate PROF. A. NEELAMEGHAN Professor & Head (Retd.) Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore on Wednesday, 28th September 2005 at 6.30 pm at Yavanika (State Youth Centre) Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore 560 001 PROF. P. BALARAM (Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) will be the Chief Guest and release the Festschrift Volume PROF. M. ANANDAKRISHNAN (Chairman, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai) will preside Chairman and Members Prof. A. Neelameghan Festschrift Committee, Bangalore RSVP: Ph: 080-23305109 ; (Prasad) 080-28483002 - Extn. 492 (Raghavan) Dear Moderator, Kindly arrange to announce the following to the lis-forum members. Yours truly, K.N. Prasad Executive Officer Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science 702, 42nd Cross, III Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560 010 Ph: 080-23305109 ; e-mail: mailto:srels@vsnl.com srels@vsnl.com ---------- Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies, Chennai and Bangalore DRTC Alumni Association, Bangalore and Informatics (India) Limited, Bangalroe cordially invite you to a function to felicitate PROF. A. NEELAMEGHAN Professor & Head (Retd.) Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore on Wednesday, 28th September 2005 at 6.30 pm at Yavanika (State Youth Centre) Nrupatunga Road, Bangalore 560 001 PROF. P. BALARAM (Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) will be the Chief Guest and release the Festschrift Volume PROF. M. ANANDAKRISHNAN (Chairman, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai) will preside Chairman and Members Prof. A. Neelameghan Festschrift Committee, Bangalore RSVP: Ph: 080-23305109 ; (Prasad) 080-28483002 - Extn. 492 (Raghavan)