1-10, 2004)
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 03:14:41 -0800 (PST)
From: Kishor Satpathy
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to inform you that an AICTE-ISTE Short Term Training
Program on ^Information Technology Applications in Information Management^
is being organized by Central Library, NIT Silchar from 01.03.04 to
10.03.04. A brochure containing details of the program is enclosed
herewith. Applications for attending the programme are invited from
person interested in the related field from AICTE recognized institutions/
R&D organizations/Industry.
You are requested kindly to give it wide publicity and encourage
interested persons to attend the course. Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanking you and with warm regards,
Yours sincerely
Sri Kishor Chandra Satpathy
Coordinator, STTP on IT Applications in Information Management
National Institute of Technology, Silchar- 788010
Phone No : (03842) 233841/42*5123-24 (O) 240906 (R)
Fax: 03842-233797
E-mail: kishor_satpathy@yahoo.com
http//: geocities.com/kishor_satpathy