A study project called "Beyond Download" http://libraryconnect.elsevier.com/beyond-downloads shows, though we include Altmetric tools along with our traditional impact measures based on citations to analyse research publication impacts, researchers still share the works in traditional ways, not many are using social media tools to share them. "Kudos" has a free service for Researchers to help their works more visible on social media networks. * Explain in plain language what your publication is about and why it is important. Add links to other materials that provide context. * Share it to your social networks, web pages or email contacts. * Measure the effect on clicks, views, downloads, citations and altmetrics to learn which communication channels are most effective. It is free for individual researchers to create profiles (can integrate with ORCID), then write briefs about their publications, share the links via social media (article fulltext availability depends on the institutions subscriptions or repository pre-prints coverage) and measure the impact and watch the activities. Institutional Kudos service need a subscription. We can popularise among researchers and faculty https://www.growkudos.com/ , if they are serious to improve their Altmetrics and OldMetrics impacts. ---------- Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, MLIS, PhD, MSILS (UK), Manager, University Library Collections and Information Services, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, www.kaust.edu.sa