Respected Sir, The draft initative from the government is a nice issue.As mentioned in your mail i shall be glad to add to the contents suggested by you, are Government reports, agricultural data, NSSO reports , statistical abstracts, databases related to simple subjects like purchase of land ,scholarshipes,foreign education, etc.The website should be userfriendly. also as a librarian i shall like to add to this project the job opportunities for Library professionals staring from Library certificate course to Doctorate level. Otherwise as usual the opporunities will be diverted towards IT ptofessionals. In Maharashatra, as my experience in giving coaching to Library Certificate course ,the students are well educated and ask for the job opprtunities.As the jobs.com are asking for your attracred CVS for various other proessionals with grand packages there is are no columns for Library and information Science professionals except one or two academic librarians. I know I am diverting the topic ,but I feel we may take this issue with Libforum and if u are one of the institution if on the captioned subject it will be humble request. Thanking You kshipras