Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 08:28:34 +0530
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
Thanks very much to Dr Kanmadi for this information. I am curious to know
how many of these refresher courses include a session or two on open access,
dealing with access to electronic journals, etc. Thanks and best wishes.
Subbiah Arunachalam
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 10:52:35 +0530
From: Satish Kanamadi
Dear Members,
This has further reference to the queries that have appeared on Lis Forum
anout Refresher Courses.Full details about UGC supported Orientation and
Refresher Courses for Teachers/Librarians are published in Employment News
dated 24-30 July 2004,page27-40.
This consoilidated information will definitely useful to librarians who
are planning to attend them in the year 2004-05.
Satish Kanamadi