Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 14:03:28 +0530
From: Vyasamoorthy
After retirement I started a non-profit called "Society for Enriched
Information of Relevance to Seniors" (SENIORS). I fulfill info requirements
of Retired persons pensioners and other elders.
Some of my services are fee based while some are free. A list of topics
dealt with by me is given below:
Seniors Residential care facilities
Investment options
Income tax doubts
Legal points like writing will, succession laws
Health, Yoga, Alternate therapies
Entertainment, funny stories & Jokes
Second Career
Government Policies & Concessions
Help lines & Counseling
Elder Abuse and redressal
Safety & security
Old Age Homes, Nursing /geriatric Care/ Retirement Homes
Newsletters, magazines and guidebooks
Travel for leisure & religious tourism
Insurance of all sorts specially health insurance
Suppliers of Assistive Devices
Others can do something siliar.
If anyone is further interested I can give more ideas.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: [LIS-Forum] After retirment
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 04:50:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: ranjit dharmapurikar
Dear All,
Iam opening a topic for discussion. All service
librarians are going to retir as per the government
rules. My point is what should be done after
retirement. Library service is a professional task.
Even after retirement a librarian can do lot of things
related to this profession. In order to spent time
happily one can cultivate habbit of reading among the
society. One can open a library. There are lot of
opportunities to work. You can also suggest other
opportunities. Let us start suggesting.......
with regards,
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