NACLIN 2013 16th National Convention on Knowledge,Library and Information Networking Jointly Organised by DELNET, New Delhi and Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur December 10-12, 2013 Venue : Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur (http://amer.hotelclarks.com/) "Download the brochure from www.naclin.org" Theme: Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Library Practices 16th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking The emerging technologies are giving rise to new applications that are being introduced in libraries to discover not only the printed content and manuscripts but also high-resolution photo galleries, audio and video collections and even the architecture of the libraries. Thus, these technologies bring all types of content on a given theme and make access to it possible through one window. To perform better and show better results new practices are emerging in advanced libraries. The National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2013) will be devoted to discussing how the latest technologies can enhance library services, and help in the dissemination of information among library users including s tudents, staff and patrons. The technologies that are impacting libraries include Cloud Computing, Social Networking, E-resources, Knowledge Organisation and Ontologies; Metadata Standards; Mobile Technology Application in Library Services; Information Se curity; Preservation/Archives; Federated Search Engines; Semantic Web; Information Management in Virtual Organisations among others. The national convention is scheduled for three days. The first day is entirely devoted to conducting tutorials by experts on the following topic: Research Methodology and Writing Skills The next two days will focus on the theme of the National Convention on Emerging Technologies and Innovations in Library Practices The theme is divided into several sub-themes as detailed below: I Emerging Digital Technologies Cloud Computing Applications Mobile Technologies Web-based Applications Library Portals RFID Semantic Web Open Source Software Multimedia Applications Digital Communication Tools II Digital Library Practices Digitisation Procedures Digital Preservation Managing Web Resources Archiving Consortia-based Resources Electronic Publishing Systems Multilingual Technologies Best Metadata Practices III Managing Web Resources Web 2.0 Content Management E-Content for E-Users Subject Approach to Content Management IV Library Networking and Consortia Networking Libraries and Information Centres Sharing of Digital Resources Consortia Practices and Models V Library Services and Users Needs Library Services: Best Practices ICT Based Services Marketing LIS Products User Satisfaction User Studies VI Copyright and IPR IPR and Digital Environment Open Access and Copyright Infringement Digital Rights Management Digital Libraries and IPR Copyright Management : International Efforts Copyright and Digital Archiving VII Human Resources Management Essential Skills for LIS Professionals Life Long Learning Information Literacy E-Learning Leadership Qualities Networks and Virtual Learning Environment LIS Education and Training Revising LIS Curriculum Quality Assurance Issues in LIS VIII Information Services for Public National Virtual Library Managing Public Libraries: New Trends E-Governance Knowledge Centres for Rural Development Digital Reference Services Library and Information Services for Distance Learners Re-engineering Library Services Information Retrieval in Indian Languages Marketing of Library and Information Services IX Knowledge Society Role of Digital Libraries in a Knowledge Society Copyright and Free Flow of Information Role of State and Central Governments International Cooperation Indigenous Knowledge Public Libraries as Knowledge Centres Open Access to Knowledge Social Informatics Digital Entrepreneurship Submission of Papers Original papers on the above sub-themes or related themes are invited from Library and Information Science professionals. The papers should be based on research surveys, case studies or action plans. Surveys on Internet use/E-Journals Usage in libraries w ill not be accepted. Papers should not normally exceed 5,000 words or 16 double-spaced pages, besides tables, diagrams, etc. Also, each paper should contain an abstract, upto ten keywords, body of the paper, conclusion and references. The abstract should state in about 150 words the sum and substance of the paper. The conclusion should include the recommendations made in the paper. The key words which describe the main issues discussed should be given in alphabetical order. The paper should also contai n the author's name, title, organisation, address, telephone, fax, and E-mail address. All references should be presented according to the Chicago Manual of Style (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_ citationguide.html). The following examples are cited from the Manual to ensure that the referencing model is strictly followed. Every paper has to be accompanied by copyright declaration form according to the format available at conference website www.naclin.org At least one of the authors listed in the paper must register for NACLIN 2013 within one week after the paper has been accepted for presentation in NACLIN 2013. The completed paper may be sent electronically to hkkaul@gmail.com Also a hard copy of the same along with the copyright declaration be sent to Dr. H. K. Kaul, Director, DELNET-Developing Library Network JNU Campus,Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070. E-mail: hkkaul@gmail.com Last date for submission of papers: November 1, 2013. Who Should Attend? Librarians, Professional Library Staff and other Library and Information Science Professionals, Knowledge Seekers, Leaders in Knowledge Industry, Government Officials, Content Management Experts, Information Management Experts, Professional Staff of IT Co mpanies, Industrialists, Technology Managers, Knowledge Officers, Media Experts, Knowledge Centre Managers and Knowledge Managers. DELNET - Developing Library Network DELNET is a major resource-sharing library network in South Asia which covers a wide spectrum of member-libraries and their resources connecting more than 4500 libraries in thirty-two states in India and seven countries. It was registered as a society in 1992. DELNET is committed to pool the information about resources scattered in the libraries in the country and consolidate information through union catalogues, union lists and other databases. This is being done to satisfy the major information require ments of students, researchers, scholars and the public in the country. DELNET provides extensive Inter-library Loan facilities to its member-libraries in and outside the country and is one of the most widely used and popular services of DELNET. DELNET databases have crossed over 1 crore 50 lakh records. More information about DELNET can be obtained at www.delnet.nic.in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur was established in 1963 with the name as Malaviya Regional Engineering College, Jaipur. This year the Institute is celebrating its Golden Jubilee Year. On June 26, 2002 the college was given the status of the National Institute of Technology and on August 15, 2007 it was proclaimed as the Institute of National Importance through an Act of Parliament. The Institute is fully funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. T he institute is devoted to imparting technical education of international standards and conducting research at the cutting edge of technology to meet the current and future challenges of technological development. More than 12,000 students have already gr aduated since its establishment. It has a campus of over 312 acres. The campus provides all essential amenities for community living such as staff clubs, hospital, bank, post office, community centre, school, staff residences, gymnasium, playing fields, guest houses, 24 hours Internet co nnectivity, and canteen. The subjects studied at the MNIT include Architecture; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Electronics & Communication En-gineering; Humanities and Social Sciences; Information Technology; Management Studies; Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgical & Materials Engineering; and Physics. The Central Library / Learning Resource Centre at MNIT with a floor area of 15,850 sq. ft. with new facilities and furniture is easily approachable. The reading rooms equipped with cubicles are fully air conditioned. The library is automated. It has a c ollection of over 1,71,600 books and bound volumes and a non-print collection of about 2,200 CDs, videos, etc. The library also receives e-resources and online journals under INDEST-AICTE Consortium. More than 2000 full text online foreign journals are accessible from: ACM Digital Library, ACE, ASME, Annual Reviews, IEL Online (IEE & IEEE), Indian Standards (Intra net Version), Nature, Project Muse, Springer Link, Taylor & Francis, Emerald and many others. The Library also has access to DELNET Databases and Services. More information about MNIT Jaipur can be obtained at www.mnit.ac.in. How to Reach Jaipur By Air : Jaipur is well-connected by various domestic airlines. By Rail : Jaipur Railway Station (Jaipur Junction) is a major railway station and the headquarters of the North Western Railways. It is connected on the broad gauge with major Indian cities.Shatabdi train connects Jaipur with Delhi. By Road: Jaipur is well connected with the Capital City of Delhi. The journey by bus and train can be undertaken. Places of Interest in and around Jaipur Jaipur is Rajasthan's beautiful Pink City and is surrounded by three hill forts and a series of palaces. The places of interest include its City Palace complex including the museum; Jantar Mantar, Hawa Mahal; Albert Hall; Jal Mahal; Amber Fort; Nahargarh Fort; B. M. Birla Planetarium among many other places of attraction. Jaipur is famous for its bazaars that specialise in Rajasthani jewellery, fabrics and shoes. Please visit www.rajasthantourism.gov.in for details. Accommodation The accommodation can be arranged in the guest houses/budget hotels by the Organising Secretariat. The charges are ` 750 per day per person (on double occupancy basis) provided that the payment from the delegate is received by November 15, 2013. Hotels: Many hotels are available in Jaipur. The following are some hotels of Jaipur with contact details. You are most welcome to write to us for any assistance. Participation Fee DELNET Members Rs 2,500 Professionals from Rajasthan including members Rs 2,000 LIS Students Rs 1,500 Non-Members from outside Rajasthan including SAARC Countries Rs 3,500 NON-SAARC Countries Members US$ 150 Non-Members US$ 250 Additional delegates from the same organisation will be offered 25 per cent discount. Accompanying Person (non-LIS professional, family member): Rs 1000 per person for attending the Convention. Accommodation charges will be extra. Addresses for Communication For Local Organisational Support/accommodation, bookings for exhibitions, etc., please contact: Mr. Deep Singh Librarian, MNIT Jaipur & Organising Secretary, NACLIN 2013 Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Jawaharlal Nehru Marg Jaipur 302017, Rajasthan, India Tel. : 91-141-2713302 Mobile : 91-9001440442 E-mail : nishants97@gmail.com Payments for Registration /Accommodation: All payments for Registration and Accommodation should be sent by demand draft/multi-city cheque to the following DELNET address. Demand Draft/Multi-City Cheque should be made in favour of DELNET and payable at New Delhi. Kindly write to us for electronic bank transfer details. Dr. Sangeeta Kaul Network Manager, DELNET & Co-Organising Secretary, NACLIN 2013 JNU Campus, Nelson Mandela Road Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070, India Tel. : 91-11-26742222, 26741266 Mobile : 91-9810329992 Fax : 91-11-26741122 E-mail : sangskaul2003@yahoo.co.in, sangs@delnet.ren.nic.in Submission of Papers Dr. H K. Kaul Director DELNET-Developing Library Network JNU Campus, Nelson Mandela Road Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070, India Tel. : 91-11-26741111 Mobile : 91-9891016667 E-mail : hkkaul@gmail.com, director@delnet.ren.nic.in Web : www.delnet.nic.in Dates to Remember Last Date for Registration: November 30, 2013 (On-the-spot registration is also available) Last Date for Submission of Papers: November 1, 2013. =========== NACLIN 2013 will be held in collaboration with MNIT Jaipur at Hotel Clarks Amer, Jaipur from December 10-12, 2013. Please visit www.naclin.org for details or write to us to receive a formal invitation letter and hard copy of the brochure. We would appreciate your kind participation. ============= _______________________________________________________________________________ Dr Sangeeta Kaul Network Manager DELNET-Developing Library Network Jawaharlal Nehru University Campus Nelson Mandela Road Vasant Kunj New Delhi-110070 Tel: 91-11-26742222, 26741266, 9810329992 (M) Fax: 91-11-26741122 Email: sangs@delnet.ren.nic.in, sangskaul2003@yahoo.co.in Web : www.delnet.nic.in ________________________________________________________________________________ -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.