Aim: To promote leadership qualities in budding, young LIS professionals
Motive: The motive of creating this leadership forum is to enhance leadership qualities in young, budding LIS professionals who are in search of platforms and make them to contribute their services to the profession and to the society to a greater extent.
Review: Many experts in the field may contemplate that why we should need forum like this as already existing associations and endowments doing similar activities and they are working fine. But, the approach of this forum is different and it wants to address real challenges and threats currently encounter LIS profession. In western countries this profession is considered to be one among the top ten professions and it may be influence of highest literacy rate and more engaged in scientific and engineering activities. In our country our profession is in pathetic condition except few who doesn’t want to raise their voice to people suffering in different levels. Of course very few are doing well.
Objectives: 1. To enhance the leadership qualities in young and budding LIS professionals
2. To upgrade the experienced professionals towards emerging trends and technologies
3. Promoting Reading habits in Rural and backward areas
4. To empower ourselves
5. To make more effective and efficient in working
6. To build teams and enhance the team work
7. To improve communication Skills
8. To create Motivation
9. Professional enrichment
10. Exploring new avenues
Events & Activities: 1. Organizing Discussions / Interactions with experts.
2. Conducting Training Programs from top managers from management, IT and LIS.
3. Invited Lectures
4. Workshops
5. Other Innovative programs
6. Teleconferencing with the overseas experts
7. Other progressive activities
8. Arranging promotional camps in rural and backward areas
Memberships: All the LIS professionals can become members of the leadership forum
There will not be any registration charges for the members
Registration will be done through online
Initially it will start from Bangalore and it will extend to the other areas / cities
Financial Assistance: The forum will function through sponsorships of business organizations, institutions, professional bodies, colleges, professional friend’s assistance and other corporations.
Appeal: Our sincere appeal to our entire professional is to contribute your knowledge, experience, expertise to this leadership forum and embrace in building our profession par with other well established profession and it is possible only with all our professional friends help and cooperation.
Kindly offer you suggestions, modifications, comments, opinions. After thorough analysis of all your views the forum will function.
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