Dear members, PLEASE TREAT THIS AS PERSONAL REQUEST I request all the Heads/Librairans/Information Officers of major and unique libraries in Bangalore to send a one page profile giving their collections and special services they extend to their users to be published in the NACLIN 2005 souvenir. The libraries may be Research (IISc, NCSI, NAL, CMTI,ISRO,NIMHANS,IIAP, RRI, Kidwai Cancer Research,Forest Research Lab.,ISEC etc.etc) Academic Libraries (Bangalore University, Rajiv Gandhi Institue of Health Scie. IISc etc) Public Libraries (British Library, City Central Library) Corporate libraries (WIPRO, Infosys, Accenture Astra Zenica etc. etc.) This should be submitted on A4 size paper along with the electronic copy sent through e mail, so as to reach the following address before 15th July 2005 The Organising secretary, NACLIN 2005, PES Institute of Technology, 100 Feet Ring Road,BSK III stage, Bangalore -560085 INDIA Tel: 91-80-30918985/26721983 Fax: 91-80-26720886 Mobile: 9341713094 E-mail: Regards, Gayathri Sen Librarian & Head, Central Library PESIT __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Dear members, PLEASE TREAT THIS AS PERSONAL REQUEST I request all the Heads/Librairans/Information Officers of major and unique libraries in Bangalore to send a one page profile giving their collections and special services they extend to their users to be published in the NACLIN 2005 souvenir. The libraries may be Research (IISc, NCSI, NAL, CMTI,ISRO,NIMHANS,IIAP, RRI, Kidwai Cancer Research,Forest Research Lab.,ISEC etc.etc) Academic Libraries (Bangalore University, Rajiv Gandhi Institue of Health Scie. IISc etc) Public Libraries (British Library, City Central Library) Corporate libraries (WIPRO, Infosys, Accenture Astra Zenica etc. etc.) This should be submitted on A4 size paper along with the electronic copy sent through e mail, so as to reach the following address before 15th July 2005 The Organising secretary, NACLIN 2005, PES Institute of Technology, 100 Feet Ring Road,BSK III stage, Bangalore -560085 INDIA Tel: 91-80-30918985/26721983 Fax: 91-80-26720886 Mobile: 9341713094 E-mail: Regards, Gayathri Sen Librarian & Head, Central Library PESIT __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around