---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: OA Week
From: "Subbiah Arunachalam"
Date: Sun, August 20, 2017 10:24 am
The Open Access Week is only a few weeks away. IISc Students are planning
to celebrate the Week with many impactful activities. I am sure there are
other institutions with similar plans. One simple goal that we can achieve
easily is to create awareness about the tremendous advantages of adopting
open access.
IISc students might wish to get in touch with the students councils of
other institutions in the country and start talking about national level
plans for celebrating the OA Week. The next step is to persuade all
faculty and all students to place their postprints in an institutional or
central repository such as arXiv, bioRxiv, and chemRxiv. Each group of
students can come up with their own plans. It would be good if we keep
sharing what each one of us is doing.
Another important issue the students could discuss is the need for
universal adoption of ORCID iD (the unique name identifier for all
I want to share something I read recently. One is about a study carried
out by a group led by Mr Arul George Scaria of the National Law
University, Delhi, and the other a news report in the *Hindu*.
Best wishes.