Hi, Has anybody tried to see how good or useful is the Keystone DL Suite developed by Indexdata (the company which developed YAZ toolkit for Z39.50)? The features looks promising and it's available under GNU License. The details are available at: http://www.indexdata.dk/keystone/ Regards, Saiful Keystone DLS The Keystone Digital Library Suite is a family of Open Source digital content management, portal management and information discovery software packaged together to provide libraries, museums and archives with state-of-the-art digital library services. KEYSTONE: CUSTOMIZED AND READY FOR USE If you are looking for a customized turnkey solution to provide your patrons with information portals and federated search services, and your staff with a digital object management system for cataloging and organizing locally created electronic objects, Index Data will install Keystone in your library, profiled for your unique needs. Our software and our support services are second to none. Just ask our satisfied customers! For libraries with the sufficient staff expertise, we offer several versions of Keystone for free downloading under a standard General Public License. Here are some of the functions supported by Keystone: * Portal Creation and Management * Federated Search Services * Harvesting Metadata from Remote Repositories * Link Resolver Services All this, and more, is available in our custom installed version of Keystone. And once we've installed Index Data software for your library, it is yours to keep and use for as long as you want, whether or not you choose to have a continuing relationship with Index Data. We think you will, however, because our service contracts provide you with all new releases along with the most responsive service available anywhere. KEYSTONE: YOURS WITHOUT EVEN ASKING Keystone is distributed under the standard General Public License, which means it is your to freely take and use, as long as you abide by the terms of the industry standard Open Source General Public License. The downloadable version of our flagship product relies on a number of lower level ID tools such as Zebra and YAZ/PHP, as well as on generic OSS tools such as database managers and XSLT processors. Please be advised that at this time it requires considerable expertise to download, integrate and customize all the separate pieces that go into making up the Keystone Suite of Digital Library Services. As time goes on we will evolve the Keystone download into a more packaged product that will be possible for non-programmers to install. KEYSTONE: AS YOU LIKE IT Many libraries have a great deal of in-house expertise, but still want limited installation services and ongoing maintenance support from Index Data's experienced staff. We can provide you with a balance between independence and a turnkey solution that meets your needs. KEYSTONE: BROWSER BASED All of Keystones rich functionality is accessible through a Web browser. No other client software is needed. The following browsers are supported: * Firefox 0.8+ * Internet Explorer 5.0+ * Konqueror 3.0+ * Mozilla 0.98+ * Netscape 7.0+ * Opera 7.23+ * Safari 1.0+ KEYSTONE IN ACTION The demoportal links to Bibliotheca, an installation of Keystone at Denmark's Electronic Research Library. You can go to the Library of Texas, which is powered by Keystone, for another example of a custom installation. KEYSTONE: COMPONENTS The Keystone Digital Library Suite has two Major Components: Keystone Organizer and Keystone Retriever. Keystone Organizer is both a content management service and a portal management service that stores all forms of digital content and facilitates metadata creation to describe that content. It also serves as the knowledge base for the federated search services, the harvesting services and the link resolver services that are elements of Keystone Retriever, as well as for its own portal management services. This means that library staff have one type of interface and one look-and-feel for all administration services and metadata creation throughout Keystone DLS. Keystone Retriever is a family of information discovery services that includes federated searching, harvesting services, and link resolution for linking from citations to full text. Index Data is also offering its Keystone Resolver either as a stand alone product or as part of its family of Keystone Retriever services. At this time Keystone Retriever uses third party electronic serials management systems to provide Keystone Retriever with the data it needs to perform its linking. ===== Saiful Amin Information Specialist Edutech India 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road Chennai 600006, India Tel: +91 44 28330999 Mobile: +91 98407 76214 www.edutechindia.com "Enhancing knowledge and skills for success, lifelong." ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Careers: Over 65,000 jobs online Go to: http://yahoo.naukri.com/