Dear members, ICMR-NIC Centre for Biomedical Information at the National Informatics Centre, New Delhi is conducting a four days training programme on "Biomedical Information Retrieval" from 20th to 23rd December 2005. Details are available at http://indmed.nic.in/imcwebtr.html Fee: NIL (No registration fee) Hospitality: NIL - Only Lunch and Tea would be provided during training. Participants would have to make their own arrangements for Travel; stay in Delhi and reaching the Venue. Venue: Training Division, 7th Floor, NIC HQs, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. Dates: 20th to 23rd December 2005. Eligibility: Medical Researchers/Professionals/Doctors and Librarians of from Govt. Institutions / Organisations. Contents: -Biomedical Information Resources and Internet -Information Retrieval Techniques -NLM Gateway and PubMED -NIC's Biomedical Information Services -Searching NIC's Biomedical Databases Application Form avaiable at http://training.nic.in/Form2.pdf Contact Person: Mrs Rekha Gupta, PSA, g.rekha<AT>nic.in --Sukhdev Singh, NIC. http://openmed.nic.in