SIS-2004 Announcement 22nd ANNUAL CONVENTION AND CONFERENCE OF SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE on "Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society" (21-23 Jan 2004) Jointly Organized by Society of Information Science, New Delhi & Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Chennai -------------------------------------- Call for Papers -------------------------------------- Papers are invited from the potential authors pertaining to the main theme as well as on the sub themes as listed below. The complete papers (Microsoft Word Format) should reach to "Dr. Harish Chandra, Organising Secretary SIS 2004, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 36" through email "hchandra@iitm.ac.in" with one hard copy duly signed on or before "30th November 2003". Main Theme : Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society Sub-Themes: Access Management: Metadata Strategy, Web Search Engines, Information Access Channels and Control, Web Monitoring and Tracking, Information Overload, Information Filtering, Information Ethics, Content Searching, Analyzing and Retrieval Current Issues and Future Directions in Digital Libraries: Capabilities and Properties, Digitization, Data Security, IPR, Authentication, Rights Management, E-Commerce Applications, User Training and Needs Assessment, Management and Economic Issues, Role of Librarians, Teachers, Curriculum Planning, Digital Information Infrastructure, User Interface, e-Learning Formats and Standards: RDF, SGML, XML, MPEG, Dublin Core, Mare, Z39.50, TIFF, MP3, WAP Web based Services for Selected User Groups: Disabled People, Industries, Multinational Corporations, Tourism and Travel E-Publishing : Policy and Standards, Trends and Developments, Impact on Libraries, Research, Teaching, Models, Tools, Techniques, Publishing Industry, Pricing and Marketing Strategy, Wireless Publishing, e-Books, Print-on-Demand, Web Publishing, e-Ink Digital Resources: Buy Vs Build, Open Source Materials, Cataloguing and Indexing, Delivery, Consortia Based Subscription, Preservation and Management, Major Issues and Initiatives, Strategy, Policies, Guidelines, Copy Rights, Collections Management, Work Flow, Quality Assurance and Fair Use E-Prints Archives: Importance, Developments in India and Asia Pacific, Requirements for it�s Establishment, Collaborations and Partnerships Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Current Status and Strategy with specific Reference to India & Developed World Webometrics: Scientmetrics, Web of Science, Citation Analysis Best Practices on the above Issues or any other related Issues ------------------------------ Please contact the following professionals 1. For Registration, Accommodation, Papers submission, Sponsorships. Dr. Harish Chandra Organising Secretary (SIS 2004) and Librarian, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Madras IIT Campus. Chennai-600 036 E-mail: hchandra@iitm.ac.in Tel: 044-22578740 (Office) 044-22579740 (Residence) Mobile : 9840336854 www.cenlib.iitm.ac.in/librarian 2. SIS Officials Dr. TAV Murthy President, Society of Information Science and Director, INFLIBNET, Information and Library network Centre POB:4116, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009 Phone 91-79-6305702 (O) 6732889 (R) Fax 91-79-6300990/7816 (O) E-mail: tav@inflibnet.ac.in www.inflibnet.ac.in N V Sathyanarayana Vice President, Society of Information Science and Chairman & Managing Director Informatics (India) Ltd P Box 360, Bangalore 560003. INDIA. Phone : 91-80-3365940 www.informindia.co.in Ramesh Kundra Secretary, Society of Information Science and Scientist, NISTADS (CSIR) New Delhi � 110012 Ph : 91-11-25863179 (O) 0124- 2325988 (R) Email : r_kundra@yahoo.com r_kundra@hotmail.com ---------------------------------- For more information visit the websites 1. http://www.cenlib.iitm.ac.in/sis2004/index.html 2. http://sis-india.netfirms.com ------------------------- __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. http://search.yahoo.com ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~--> Get A Free Psychic Reading! Your Online Answer To Life's Important Questions. http://us.click.yahoo.com/Lj3uPC/Me7FAA/CNxFAA/_o7wlB/TM ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: lisnet-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/