Dear LIS Professionals who have been awarded PhD during 2010 and onwards, [sorry for cross posting] Please provide your PhD award info for updating... if already responded kindly ignore this (I am getting good response for my previous mail) Click the link to provide your info if not given. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&key=0AscurxFcDKKgcEdJSmhVZWhEVVVhczA5V09lZXJVZlE manjunath ***************** I am updating the databank of bibliographic details of LIS Doctoral Dissertations awarded by Indian Universities. I have already compiled the data from INFLIBNET, Vidyanidhi and University news. I am keeping track of each issue of University News for new entries on LIS research. Still I feel, Many universities may not submit research data to AIU for publication in Univ. News. As a result, I feel the datasheet compiled by me is incomplete. Those of you who have been awarded PhD during 2010 and onwards, please spare some time to provide the data through the below linked simple questionnaire designed for the purpose. I need your full cooperation to compile the comprehensive databank. The consolidated data is for the benefit of our professional colleagues and will be shared with them. I have already uploaded my articles on LIS Research on web and many of our LIS professionals are keep accessing them. Happy to note that I get alerts almost daily on usage of these articles by our professionals. Further, I am sending the data to researchers who are requesting the data. I need your cooperation to update the datasheet from 2010. Be assured the compiled data will be shared with professionals. This survey takes just two minutes for you to response as it is asking minimum info. CLICK THE BELOW LINK TO RESPOND TO SURVEY. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&key=0AscurxFcDKKgcEdJSmhVZWhEVVVhczA5V09lZXJVZlE [IF LINK IS NOT WORKING, COPY THE LINK AND PASTE IT ON YOUR BROWSER]. If you have trouble viewing or submitting online survey form, you can fill your information in the below mentioned format. 1. Name of Researcher : 2. Title of the Thesis : 3. Name of Research Guide: [pl Write name of your Research Guide] 4. Name of University and its Place : [Pl write name of Univ that awarded you PhD, place] 5. Year of PhD Award [pl write year of PhD awarded (not the year submitted)] 6. Keywords: [pl write two or three Keywords that represent your thesis] with regards, Yours sincerely, Manjunatha ______________ Dr. Manjunatha K Chief Librarian T.A. Pai Management Institute |PB No. 9|Manipal - 576 104|Udupi Dist., Karnataka, India Ph: +91820-2701105| Fax: +91-0820-2570699 manjunath@tapmi.edu.in| manjunathak@gmail.com |http://www.manjunathakeralapura.weebly.com/ ______________ -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.