----- Original Message ----- From: amudhavalli alagusundaram AS far as students are concerned, the input into the schools are very disappointing. Both quantitatively and qualitatively, they are so low, it is extremely difficult to mould them to be even a 'better lot' if not the 'best'. Candidates below the medocre line enter our profession, unfortunately. They have no vision or mission. We try to inculcate that in them to the best of our ability. In 2 two years is everythiing cannot be accomplished though best of our efforts are put into that process..................... --------------------------------- My opinion .... We need to face one fact that Ms. Amudhavalli has rightly pointed out - and I have copied that para in the beginning of this email. The TWO things that we professionals who believe that something MUST be done for LIS profession are: i) "Building awareness" or "Marketing" the profession - telling everyone how important it is to be an excellent information professional, why we need lots of good ones, and how it will impact education and industry and any other area ii) Parallely - Advocacy to create good employability of good people who enter the profession. Today's youngsters (may be more importantly parents) believe that only IT and / or Management education will get people high paying jobs. Closely followed by BPO jobs for those who do not get into IT/Management. Teaching and LIS - two professions that need high quality people who will make good citizens and good professionals - are both getting lower and lower quality people. Soon, I wonder if we will have good teachers / librarians for our future generations, if the current situation continues. So unless we work on the two "foundation" areas that I am mentioning, I doubt if other things can get tackled. I completely agree with Ms. Amudha when she says that revising the syllabus (which is of course an important component) alone will not do what is really needed. I believe that for at least one year, every Information based Association (ILA / IASLIC / IATLIS / MALA etc etc) should work hard at the two issues that need tackling. Other things will fall into place. Vasumathi Sriganesh QMed Knowledge Foundation (under Registration) A-3, Shubham Centre, Cardinal Gracious Road Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai 400099, India Tel: 91-22-40054474 / 75 Fax: 91-22-40054358 Mobile: 91-98672-92230 Indian Medical Sites- www.indianmedicalsites.in ************************************************************** Scanned by eScan Anti-Virus and Content Security Software. Visit http://www.mwti.net for more info on eScan and MailScan. ************************************************************** -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.