Indian Statistical Institute Documentation Research and Training Centre 8th Mile, Mysore Road Bangalore 560059 5th September 2013 ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POST OF RESEARCH ASSOCIATE & JRF =========================================================== Applications are invited for the positions of a Research Associate (one) and JRF (one) for India-Trento Programme for Advanced Research (ITPAR)-Phase-III framework computer science Joint research project entitled Development of the Universal Knowledge Core (UKC), a large scale multilingual faceted knowledge. Title of Project : Development of the Universal Knowledge Core (UKC), a large scale multilingual faceted knowledge organised resource Research Associate =================== Qualification : Ph.D in Library and Information Science/Computer Science/Information Science Desirable: Good computer knowledge with programming skills Age: candidates should not be more than 35 years on 1st November, 2013. Fellowship : Rs.23,000/- pm + HRA and other facilities as per the DST (ITPAR-III) and ISI rules. Junior Research Fellow ===================== Qualification : A consistently good academic record with first or high second class in BE, B (Tech.) from a recognised university. Desirable: 1. Good computer knowledge with programming skills. 2. Degree in Library and Information Science. Age: candidates should not be more than 30 years on 1st November, 2013. Fellowship: Rs.18000/- pm + HRA and other facilities as per the DST (ITPAR-III) and ISI rules. Interested candidates should submit their curriculum vitae with names and addresses of two referees either by email (head@drtc.isibang.ac.in) or through post on or before 25 September 2013. These posts are purely temporary for duration of sponsored project only, therefore do not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidate to claim extension. These posts are subject to rules of Indian Statistical Institute. Note: i. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. ii. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates to attend the interview. For further details, please contact: Dr. A.R.D. Prasad, Professor and Head, Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, 8th Mile, Mysore Road, Bangalore 560059 E-mail: head@drtc.isibang.ac.in Ph. No.080-28483002/3/4 extn.492 / 418 Issued with approval of Head, ISIBC. A.R.D. Prasad Professor and Head, DRTC -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.