Dear All, I found the Rocket RSS Reader very handy in reading RSS feeds. It is platform independent and works on most browsers. The service is available at: It also has a built-in index of some well-known RSS feeds, some related to libraries as well. Almost all BBC channel feeds are also available. As to Mr Vyasamoorthy's suggestion on using it for Alert service in libraries is good one, but someone has to start it as a pilot project and present a case for it. There are many free tools available on the Net to develop a RSS feed generator. Also it would need only intermediate level of computer programming knowledge to develop a feed generator from scratch if one has fair idea of XML data models. Anyone interested? I would be more than willing to offer my help. Regards, Saiful ===== Saiful Amin Information Specialist Edutech India 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road Chennai 600006, India Tel: +91 44 28330999 Mobile: +91 98415 53306 ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner online.