Dear Professional Colleagues,
It is high time to think of a structural change in the name by which each grade of professional is to be known. Librarians of different grades are known by different names. Also, is the name ‘librarian’ itself is suitable at present? There is a tendency to equate the professionals with clerks who are still known as Assistants (Therefore the name Assistant, Deputy etc are still prevalent). The ghost of Mecaulay is still alive.
With the drastic changes in the professional duties and responsibilities it is high time to rename the librarians on par with managers. There is no meaning in calling librarians as Library Assistant, Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian etc. Even the positive step taken by the UGC in renaming the teaching positions is not seen in the case of librarians.
I may suggest that Librarians in Universities and Colleges be renamed as:
1. General Manager (Information)-University Librarian
2. Administrative Manager (Information)- Deputy Librarian
3. Information Manager- Assistant Librarian/College Librarian
4. Information Officer - Professional Assistant
Librarians in special libraries be known by the name ‘Scientists (Information)’
Professional colleagues and Professional Associations have to discuss the matter right now so that a positive change may be brought to our profession.