Love for one script is not the apt phrase. This is a mere barbaric act committed owing to momentary impulse and instigation from all those who are bent upon destroying public property & priceless collections.This act needs to be condemned ruthlessly by all sane people. After committing unsocial actions how can they call themselves "social organisations" ? We need to understand through proper investigations as to how such an act got materialised as per the wishes of this organisation. Whether due precautions were taken after the threatening calls were received, Whether securities were posted after knowing the intentions of this orgn. etc. needs probing. Don't we experience emotional actions during union negotiations, strikes, admissions to top class institutions and many more which can be added to this list. All of us would like to know how to counter terrorism in educational institutes which is on the rise in modern world. Can non-violence correct the acts of terrorism ? THINK !!!!!!!!!All good samaritans should unite, co-operate and co-ordinate fearlessly in tackling such acts of vandalism Shantha Venkatesan. Senior Librarian Prof.M.M.Sharma Library U.I.C.T.Matunga (East) Mumbai400 019