Dear All, We are currently working on a project for which we require Names, Addresses, Phone Number, No. of Employees, Industry Description etc on all Manufacturing Units / Factories in Pune and Delhi NCR region. We have got in touch with CMIE (First Source), MIRA and CII - for their databases. We have also got in touch with Chief Inspector of Factories (Industrial Health and Safety for respective regions) to get a list from them. Is there any other source for this information? We want to purchase this information if it is available in digital / soft cop format. Would appreciate if would get guidance on the same. Thanks. Regards, Neha Thakkar Client Service Executive AC Nielsen ORG MARG Pvt. Ltd Voltas House 'A', 2nd Floor, Dr. B. A. Road, Chinchpokli, Mumbai 400 033 Ph: 56632502 (Direct)