4 Jul
4 Jul
11:13 a.m.
Respected All Professionals, One of the researcher requires following article. If anybody having access to Elsevier. kindly send the soft copy of the same. “A method for the determination of starch in wood” by F.R. Humphreys; J. Kelly, Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 24, 1961, Pages 66–70. Elsevier pub. Thanks & Regards Lijesh T.K Project Fellow (Library) Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) Peechi, Thrissur PH: 9497249813 Email: lijeshalapad@gmail.com Blog: http://libraryjobs4u.blogspot.in/ -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.