Dear Friends,
Primarily it is the prerogative of the employer to decide whom should be appointed and to fix the qualifications etc.
We know the works in libraries and many of us have good working skills in computer based library technologies. To my knowledge library science departments were wooing computer science, since 1990's, the beginning of the internet era, much ahead of other teaching departments thinking and planning for computerised systems. Now-a-days, most of the students pass out MLIS possess good competence in library technologies along with traditional library and information skills. On comparing various professionals in their ICT competence, it is sure that library professionals are second only to computer professionals. But computer professionals have only computing skills. No information skills.I recollect an experience in my college when my Principal wanted an information from the University's web site and the staff member with M.Sc. computer science could not provide the information, though he perused the web site; but I could furnish it quickly. They are more
competent in technologies and ignorant about information or knowledge or its management. Instead of "information", computer persons usually use the term "data".
It is fact that many of the persons in the top level management of any organisation in India are "veterans" who awe about computers or its techniques. They look the computer people with great admiration and many of the veteran group are not even ashamed in openly admitting about their ignorance of computer techniques. At the same time many of them underestimate librarians because of their common sense thinking. They vociferously opine that library science is nothing but common sense and the job of a librarian can be performed by any literate person. In India librarians are generally the under-utilised professionals. The main job of a librarian,that is , reference or information service is not popularised in many libraries including the highly staffed university libraries. Thus the users see librarian as mere book clerks.
In fact, the computer persons can not operate a library and he can install a digital library software but can not create and mange a digital library. The thing which is likely to happen is the computer person shall get appointment as library cum informatics officer and he shall join for library science distance education. It is the duty of professional organisations like ILA, IASLIC etc to take up the matter to concerned authorities and if failed fight legally.
Sunny Joseph,
Knowledge Manager & Information Officer,
Govt. Institute of Advanced Study in Education,
Thrissur, Kerala.
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:00 PM, Niraj Barua
Dear fellow Professionals and respected one its a very sad development that the DOOMSDAY for the Library Professionals is nearing in general and in particular in our country. See the link below about vacancy for Library cum informatics Officer in a Central Govt autonomous institution. We should raise our voice unitedly against such unjustful strategies from the policy makers. Our professional qualification limits our job scope to only the Libraries, but Computer professionals have far more avenues to try for a job. Why are some of the people desperate to throttle our profession for benefit of some so called elites? Please raise your voice, share your concern otherwise the coming generation of our profession (if survives) will blame the present lot.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Niraj Barua 9435346637(Mobile) niraj_barua@yahoo.co.in.
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