I might also add the following
- The new version (3.0) will have a Rich Internet
Application (RIA) front-end and OPAC.
- We are in the process of signing an agreement with
OCLC which will allow NewGenLib libraries to access WorldCat via an
Application Programmers Interface (API) (and leverage WorldCat's social web
features) expanding access to libraries implementing
- The new version will have many customizable
features and better support to web services of vendors such as
Amazon, Google (e.g., Google Book Search, Google Scholar).
- KIIKM is committed to providing domain support and advice to ensure
that NewGenLib is aware of new trends and technologies and applies relevant
ones wherever possible.
- Data conversion, training and ongoing support
services to open source NewGenLib users are provided at nominal
costs and all support services are customer-specific and optional depending on
their needs.
I honestly believe that in a diverse world both SOUL and NewGenLib have a
place but what is more important is the freedom that libraries must have to
choose what they will use to automate their libraries.
KIIKM and Verus Solutions are always open to collaboration with
INFLIBNET or other organizations in India and abroad.
Trustee, Kesavan Inst. of Information and Knowledge