Dear All,
A timely message from Mr Vijayakumar indeed!
Formulation of a National Code of Ethics and Professional Practice
for LIS professionals should be AGENDA ITEM NO. 1 in our efforts
to regain the lost glory of our profession and get the recognition
which we deserve.
Let us hope that all our national library associations (ILA, IASLIC,
SIS, MLAI, etc.) would join hands and draft a Common Statement of
Ethical Principles and Code of Professional Practice for Indian LIS
professionals. The CILIP Ethical Principles and Code of
Professional Practice for Library and Information
Professionals (United Kingdom) could form the basis for the Indian
document. The clauses in it would take care of the corruption and
politcisation that have plagued and sapped the vitality of Indian
librarianship in recent years.
Let us hope that at least from April 1, 2005 (forthcoming financial
year), all Indian libraries would adopt this code to regain the lost
glory of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan's period.
In addition, we need to have a national watchdog body consisting of
representatives from all national association to look complaints of
violation of this Code and take necessary action against the
violaters. In course of time, we need to have a body something like
the Medical Council of India. Till such a body is formed, let us have
an Ombudsman Committee comprising of eminent, knowledgeable,
LIS professionals, who are widely respected for their integrity and
professional excellence.
We witness thousands of rupees being spent on the conduct of
elections (regd. post for ballot papers, printing, posting of
membership list, etc.). This is an avoidable expenditure. Can't we
devise a simple system:
Let only those professionals who are seriously interested in
contributing for the enrichment of the LIS profession stand for
election as office bearers. No more teams and reluctant horses! Let
us try to arrive at a consensus and have unanimous choices. In case
this is not possible during any particular year, then give their profiles
in one of the issues of the newsletter. Ask all members to vote
through a simple post card. Let every member put his signature as
well as thumb impression on the post card he posts. This may take
care of bogus voting.
Let us have a national body (consisting of eminent, knowledgeable,
empathetic representatives from national level library associations)
which provides rules/regulations, guidelines governing pay scales,
recruitement methods, promotions to all needy Indian LIS
professionals. Let this body be entrusted with the task of protecting
the interests of the LIS professionals workign at all levels in all types
of libraries, not just those of the top level librarians.
Let us put a <bold>full stop to sponsorship </bold>of library events
(conferences/seminars, etc.) by publishers/booksellers. Why
should some publisher pay for our lunch/dinner at a conference?
Let the Indian LIS profession support itself through publication of
scholarly, research-based publications/directories/yearbooks/annual
reviews, etc.
Can we have during 2005 a joint conference of all Indian national
associations where
--Indian LIS professionals from all types of libraries (public,
academic, special, etc.) meet to chalk out collaborative efforts.
--we could articulate the single, united voice of Indian librarianship to
the rest of the world.
--we declare our commitment to professional excellence, honesty,
objectivity, and fair treatment towards all our users.
Let us have a national debate on these issues and do something
concrete to stem the rot.
Thank you
T.V. Prafulla Chandra
Senior Editor
Date sent: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>Mon, 17 Jan 2005 04:15:47 -0800 (PST)</color>
From: <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>JK Vijayakumar <
I appreciate the anguih of Mrs Rangashri, i
think she hould not get
excited about the lapses from the associations
and professionals. after
all many things matter, such as environment,
training, traditions--what
I will appreciate Mrs. rangashri , if she can
also send communications
through egroup, to enable to share her ideas
and knowledge. let us join
our hands to make our professiona great. let us
not fight but learn from
the past and improve ourselves in terms of
productivity and image.
please do not accuse any one, we all ae
responsible for everry thing as we
are also part of the profession.
laxman rao
--- Rangashri Kishore <
Dear Vasumathi,
I sincerely appreciate your efforts to
highlight the issues concerning
You have rightly pointed out the serious
lapses in our professional
attitude. Very few are actually thinking in
this direction. I would like
to introduce myself,
I belong to a family of Librarians! I am the
third generation who
followed this line and I am proud to be in
this line. I have found
during my experience of working in various
Libraries of repute it is
just not sufficient to remain within the
sphere of Librarianship alone
..it is important to realize that we have the
skills that can be applied
for enriching all other professionals. For
example, I have tried to use
training Mentally ill patients in
Librarianship which has helped them in
getting employed in school Libraries. I was
instrumental in setting up
homes for mentally challenged in India and I
realized that as a
significant part of their rehabilitation
Library skills can be applied
-which I found very successful and
satisfying. One has to walk that
extra mile to get recognition in our field.
I thus received three International Awards..
</color>http://archive.ala.org/ascla/awards_recent.html#1999 <color><param>7F00,0000,0000</param>> >
FROM USA. ( Two Indian Librarians one myself
and the other is Kaushik
Purohit of Reliance Industries..Jamnagar was
confered along with 6 other
Librarians from all over the world..that too
we had the honour of
sharing this with Hillary Clinton)
Having won all these accolades it is a shame
that no Library
Associations in India ever approached me to
know more about it so that
others in our profession can get motivated
although this was widely
publicised in Newspapers in 1999. None ever
came forward to support my
efforts for these causes. I had to personally
apporach and be a self
advocate for all the achievements. Come to
think of it that someone in
US is able to confer these awards to persons
working in India while in
our own country people hardly realize the
value of this profession.
These are my views and I welcome people to
With warm regards,
Rangashri Kishore
Vasumathi Sriganesh <
Dear friends
There are many sides to this:
There is no question that we are one of the
most under-rated breed of
professionals. In a country that has had Dr.
SRR, it is an irony that
the maximum percentage of population would
not have heard of the need
for a professional degree to be a librarian -
let alone anything else.
Having said that - what have we done about it
a) Have we pushed up our own standards? I am
sorry to say that a
majority of librarians are unable to
communicate well, or market
themselves well
b) Do we market our profession to school and
college children? How many
of us would encourage our children to take up
the same profession?
Most young people tell me that when they were
in college they hardly
used a library - they then accidentally heard
about Lib Sc and joined
the course
c) Majority of our conferences have papers of
no real value - they are
accepted because we need participants, and
participants will get a TA/DA
only if their papers are accepted, so we
accept papers. Most speakers
have no sense of time - they overshoot, they
"read" the paper and do not
"present" it, very often there is nothing
Many participants do not attend all sessions
- more time is spent
sight-seeing. How many actually go back and
implement something new in
their library?
d) How many of us have attempted to show our
organizations that they the
library is a terribly important entity? And
that the collection is being
used to the best?
I am sure there are a million more questions
that can be added. Like
Prof Laxman Rao, I do not aim to hurt any
individual. I will blame
myself too.
It is a vicious circle. We are unable to
prove ourselves, so we are
badly positioned and paid. Thus we cannot
attract the best talent, and
when we dont get the best, we do not prove
Where do we break this circle?
For a start, can all of us do something in
our own sphere and control?
Go BEYOND what we are paid for, do our best
for our organizations and
readers - not expecting immediate rewards? If
we can get something for
ourselves - great - if not - can we work hard
and sow the seeds for the
future generations? And can we improve at
things like conferences? If we
can say YES, to at least some of these, only
then we have some hope.
It would be very good, if we can have some
ideas coming in as to how we
can tackle all this positively!
Vasumathi Sriganesh
Director, QMed Services Pvt. Ltd.
A-3, Shubham Centre, Cardinal Gracious Road
Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai 400099, India
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