NISCAIR will be conducting the following short term
courses during July 2009:
1. Library automation using WebLis [01-03 July
2009, Course Fee: Rs. 1200/- (Without accommodation) & Rs. 1600.00 (With
2. Design and development of Digital Libraries
using DSpace [13-17 July 2009, Course Fee: Rs. 2000/- (Without accommodation)
& Rs. 2600.00 (With accommodation)]
3. Web 2.0 technologies for libraries [22-24 July
2009, Course Fee: Rs. 1200/- (Without accommodation) & Rs. 1600.00 (With
For more details, please contact Dr. Narendra
Kumar, In-charge, Training (Ph: 26863617, 26965094) or send an email to:
G. Mahesh
Scientist, NISCAIR