Many of us may not know that: Google Keyword Tool at is a very useful search tool for finding synoymous words and phrases. Though the tool is meant for selecting keywords to be assigned for matching Google Ads against search terms used by searchers, it is still useful to us, librarians. We can recollect and reconsider keywords that may be better for searching. For instance "literature search" returns: medical literature search literature search a literature search literature search on do a literature search literature search engine literature search engines search literature Isn' this great? Dr.P.Vyasamoorthy, Advisor, Virtual Information Centre, ICICI Knowledge Park, Genome Valley, Turkapally, Shameerpet Mandal, RR District, Hyderabad 500078 INDIA Email: Phone - Office: +91(40)23480053 Fax: +91(40)23480007 Phone Residence: +91(40)27846631