Dear professional colleagues I am pleased to inform you all that in my department I teach a paper called Digital Information Management(DIM), which is offered as a course to non library and information science students.We have large number of students from Iran plus Indians who are looking at this paper as a useful one for doing research in future.This year also I was told there are large number of students opting for this paper.They are all from varied subjects backgrounds like physics Chemistry,social work , commerece,law etc. I am therefore planning for a edited book , I am seeking valuable contributions from all of you ,I have already recieved papers on Wikis, blogs, web 2,0, Scopus. Excluding these topics and also looking at the syllabus given below please contribute a paper , which will be useful for these students.Let the papers be of not more than 5-6 pages.many publishers have approached me to publish it.The details about when I am publishing and with whome will be informed to you all as when you contribute the content. Looking forwrd for your cooperation in this regard.The right to include or exclude the paper depends on the quality,content and details. You can contact me .... Dr. Khaiser Nikam Professor University of Mysore Manasagangothri Mysore-6 Khaiser.nikam@gmail.com Cell:98453 28672 Off: 0821- 2419399 Digital Information Resources Digital Information life cycle. Categories of Digital Information Resources: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Digital Information Resources - primary resources- E-journals, E-Books: Netlibrary, Project Gutenberg ; E-Theses, E-Newspapers, Blogs, Wikis. Free online Reference tools- Free Dictionaries: Merriam-Webster Online, 'Thesaurus Dictionary.com,. Dictionary.com, Thesaurus.com, wordthrill.com.;Glossary, Special Online Dictionaries such as Medical Dictionary, Dictionary of Slang etc. Non-free online dictionaries: Oxford English Dictionary, Hutchison's, And Free Thesauri: Wordweb. Encyclopedia: Columbia Encyclopedia, Wikipedia Encyclopedia, Encarta, Britannica, Virtual Libraries - IPL, vlib.org, Subject gateways and Portals: Ingenta, BUBL link information service, E-Print network, www Virtual-Library and their types . ADAM ( http://adam.ac.uk), AGRIGATE (www.agrigate.edu.at.). BIOGATE (httpt/ zbicgate.Iub.Iu.se/), Bizled• (www.bized.co.uk), Cherndex (www.chemdex.org), GEM (www.thegateway.org), Phvsics Web Resources (http://physicsweb.org) etc. Free databases: open J gate, OAIster, RePEC, Suprem Court databases, 1BID, INDIASTAT; Population Index, .Supreme Court Online, DARE Database; poverty Research Institutes Database, Human Rights Institutes Database, Peace institutes Database, Census of India; NIC database, Patents Fee based Digital Information Resources: Bibliographical and Full text databases: Sociofile, LISA, Economic Literature; Emerald, EBSCO, ProQuest, Psyco-Info, Econlit, Web of Science, Scopus, CAS, INSPEC, AGRIS, BIOSIS, INIS, MEDLARS, ASINFO, COMPENDEX, OCLC, ERIC, inside Science, Embase, Scifinder, Cambridge University Press, American Royal Society of Chemistry- titles, J -Store, UGC-Info net, Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier. Institutional Repositories: arXiv, Cogprint, eprints@iisc, etc. Digital Information Search made easy - Search Engines and Search Strategies-Search Engines and meta search engines - Google: Google Blog Search, Google Book Search, Google Directory, Google Scholar, Altavista, ViviSimo, Dog 'pile , Clusty, Met Crawler, Teoma web search, Lycos , Yahoo etc. Scholarly Literature Search made easy- Google Scholar, Windows Live Academic, Scopus, Web of Science, Scif'inder. Advanced Search Techniques -Keyword search, Boolean operators, Proximity search, Phrase search, Field searching, concept 'Searching, Wild Card search, Truncation, Field search. Technical writing and presentation – tools, techniques and standards, Writing a technical paper, Making PPT, Foot notes and references, Software tools for reference management. Citation machine.net. Study of citation styles manuals- APA, MLA, Chicago ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Regards, Prof.Khaiser Nikam MBA;MLISc;PhD Department of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Mysore-570 006 Karnataka INDIA Cell:98453 28672 Ph: 91-821-2415202(R) 2419399(O) email : khaiser.nikam@gmail.com Skype:khaiser.nikam Twitter:khaiser10957 http://www.uni-mysore.ac.in/departments/lisc/dr-khaiser.nikam -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.