*National Workshop cum Training on Digital Library Management* 25-26
November 2016 to be held at CMFRI Cochin-682018
*Library and Documentation Centre* of CMFRI is one of the best-specialized
libraries in the field of fisheries and marine science and plays a vital
role in the collection building and dissemination of scientific information
to meet the present and future needs of the Institute. The state of the art
library has a good collection of books and journals and over 300 scientific
periodicals. The digital library with substantial digital resources
including videos is accessible from the Headquarters at Kochi as well as
from the Regional/Research Centres. Library extends its services to users
at HQs, Regional/Research Centres of CMFRI and also to students and
researchers from other Institutions, State Fisheries Departments,
Universities and Colleges.
*About the Workshop cum Training*
The Workshop aims to share among library professionals new concepts of
digital storage of Information as well as retrieval, management of the
challenges in digital libraries with the growing impact of modern
Information technologies in collection development, organization,
utilization and services of information, networking of libraries, consortia
mode of acquisition and maintenance of digital libraries and developing
soft skills of library professionals.
*Topics *
o Digital and Open Access Library
o Digitization & Networking
o Digital Preservation
o Open Source Software
o Multimedia and Mobile applications
o IPR, Copyright and Open Access Digital divide
o Institutional Open Access Repository
o Library Consortium
o Crisis Management in Digital Libraries
Day 1-Training Sessions (5) by Experts in the field
Day 2 - Paper Presentations
Awards Best Oral Presentation (3)
*Call for Papers*
Participants are invited to submit original articles related to all aspects
of Digital knowledge Management. Accepted papers will be published in the
Conference Proceedings. Soft copies of the papers should be submitted as
soft copies as email attachments to *cmfrilibrary@gmail.com*