I am forwarding this not-so welcome news from another list.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Regrettably the EU has now moved to block further discussion of WIPO's
case for harmonising international legislation on text/data-mining and
other copyright issues - see below. Clearly more lobbying of MEPs is
Peter Morgan
Head of Medical and Science Libraries
Medical Library
Cambridge University Library
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Hills Road
email: pbm2@cam.ac.uk
tel: +44 (0)1223 336757
fax: +44 (0)1223 331918
-------- Original Message --------
Dear colleagues,
Attached is a joint press release from library and achive organisations on
last week’s failed talks at WIPO on exceptions and limitations for
libraries and archives.
LIBER was present to highlight the copyright problems faced by European
research libraries, particluarly in relations to cross border activity,
mass digitasation, contracts, and copyright issues related to text and data
It was made clear by the EU representatives that they did not support an
international legal instrument that would allieviate the copyright problems
that libraries and archives face and this position led to to breakdown in
discussions. This is a very disappoiting outcome for libraries in Europe.
| would like to ask you to circulate the attached press release as widely
as possible within your own countries so that we can increas awareness
amoungst national policy makers of the need to support international
solutions to the problems libraries face in providing access to information
and supporting education, research and innovation.
Kind regards,
Tuesday 6 May 2014
*Discussions by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR) broke down in the
early hours of Saturday morning 3 May, after the European Union (EU)
attempted to block future discussion of copyright laws to aid libraries and
archives fulfill their missions in the digital environment.*
Library and archive delegations from Europe, Latin America, Australia, the
United States, Canada and the UK attended the 27th meeting of the SCCR from
28 April – 2 May 3014, to push for an international treaty to help
libraries and archives preserve cultural heritage, facilitate access to
essential information by people wherever they are in the world.
The meeting ended in disarray at 1:30am on Saturday morning, after the EU
tried to have crucial references to “text-based” work on copyright
exceptions removed from the meeting conclusions - a move viewed by other
Member States and library and archive NGOs present as an attempt to delay,
if not derail, any progress on copyright exceptions at WIPO.
Dr. Stuart Hamilton, Deputy Secretary General of the *International
Federation of Library Associations & Institutions (IFLA)* commented:
*“For the past three years, Member States have been looking at draft texts
on copyright exceptions for libraries and archives. The EU is now trying to
pretend these don’t exist. We’re frustrated, and deeply disappointed. It
appears the EU came to WIPO with one goal in mind: to kill the discussion.”
The EU’s attempt to sideline discussion of copyright exceptions at WIPO is
particularly concerning in light of the ongoing review of copyright laws at
the EU level.
Dr Paul Ayris, President of LIBER, the *Association of European Research
Libraries*, expressed his disappointment:
*“The position taken by the EU delegation in Geneva contrasts strongly with
current discussions at European level, where it has been recognised that
copyright exceptions for libraries are essential, and must be harmonised in
order to facilitate international research and innovation in the age of
Science 2.0. The conservative position taken at SCCR 27 in Geneva this
week is therefore deeply disappointing. It does not support research and
education and hampers European researchers in their use of new tools and
The SCCR has been discussing a possible legal instrument to safeguard
copyright exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives since 2009.
It is due to submit recommendations to the WIPO General Assembly in
September 2014.
“*We must act now, and engage at WIPO to make sure the EU and other
developed countries know just how inadequate copyright laws are for
libraries and archives in the digital, global world,” *said Dr. Stuart
*A full list of quotes from organisations is included in a separate
attachment. For general enquiries:*
Ellen Broad
Manager, Digital Projects & Policy (IFLA)
*From:* open-access [mailto:open-access-bounces@lists.okfn.org] *On Behalf
Of *E. Hoorn
*Sent:* 06 May 2014 09:43
*To:* open-access@lists.okfn.org
*Subject:* Re: [Open-access] [open-science] Elsevier: some facts, by Tim
Wouter, Jeroen,
There is a WIPO study on fair use and limitations for educational use,
which gives an overview of the regulation worldwide.
Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Educational Activities in
North America, Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and Israel Raquel Xalabarder,
Professor of Law, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona, Spain
For the Netherlands there is a limitation on copyright for educational use
in the Dutch Copyright Act. But the downside is that one of the conditions
is that a fair remuneration is paid. We recently agreed on a new national
deal. Over the coming years the amount decreases, because we expect that
there will be more Open Access material available. There will be a working
group of publishers and university representatives, with the task -amongst
others- to monitor this.
On 3-5-2014 22:17, Gerritsma, Wouter wrote:
Jeroen, Egon
But, I don't think you are allowed to distribute these
readers/coursepacks/syllabi openly in digital format to the web.
So it is still very restrictive.
-----Original Message-----
From: open-access [mailto:open-access-bounces@lists.okfn.org