Has anyone conducted any study on discussion groups in India?
If I am to keep abreast of current happenings and you are to recommend just
top three which ones will you recommend and why? If any study is attempted I
am ready to give a list of some criteria for such evaluation.
Another point, somewhat not directly connected with is:
In Lis-forum I find messages getting released in lots. May be the moderator
alots certain time regularly say once a week or so. postings arrive in bulk
perhaps with some delay.
Any comments?
Dr P Vyasamoorthy, 30 Gruhalakshmi Colony Secunderabad 500015 Ph
040-27846631 / 9490804278.My blog:
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 1:46 PM, Gurpreet singh
dear LIS professionals
there is one more group i.e. lispp@googlegroups.com "A Virtual Community of Library and Information Science Professionals of Punjab"
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Ajay Kamble
wrote: Active Online Groups related to Library and Information Science field and their E-mail ID's for posting information(Only members of respective groups can post to their forum)
(in Alphabetical order)
Name of Online Group Email ID 1. An Interactive Forum for Corporate Librarians corporatelibrns@yahoogroups.com, 2. Digital Libraries India digilib_india@yahoogroups.com, 3. E-LIS E-Prints in Library and Information Science e-lis-e-prints-in-library-and-information-science@googlegroups.com 4. Library Dotcom
, 5. Indian Association for Teachers in Library and Information Science iatlis@yahoogroups.com, 6. Indian Librarians Online Study Circle(Proxy of MLOSC) ilosc@yahoogroups.com, 7. Librarian Wannabes librarian_wannabes@yahoogroups.com, 8. Library Technology libtech@yahoogroups.com, 9. LIS Forum lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in 10. LIS Forum, Orissa lisforum_orissa@yahoogroups.com, 11. LIS Links lislinks@gmail.com 12. Group for Live Reference Service to Librarians livereference@yahoogroups.com 13. "MANLIBNET" , 14. Maharashtra Librarians Online Study Circle mlosc@googlegroups.com, 15. New Millenium LIS Professionals nmlis@yahoogroups.com, 16. Punjab Librarians Online Study Circle with Chd, Himachal and Haryana prof. plosc@googlegroups.com 17. Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science salis_info@yahoogroups.com Please do add if you know some more...-- Ajay M. Kamble Librarian Annasaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce, Science College, Vasai Road (W), Dist. Thane - 401202 www.mlsc.co.nr www.ajaykamble.co.nr
-- *Gurpreet Singh Libraries' In-Charge CT Group of Institutions Vill - Shahpur, P.O. - Udopur Via Jamsher Khas Jalandhar-144020 Punjab (India)
(M) 09463356609 www.ctgroup.in http://ctiemtlibrary.blogspot.com*
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