All respected member, NERIST is going to organize a three day workshop on above. Interested members are requested to send their registration form in due time. Thanking you. *NORTH-EAST REGIONAL WORKSHOP* *ON* *LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND KNOWLEDGE ORGANISATION* *March 12-14, 2010* Sponsored by Central Reference Library, Kolkata * * *ORGANIZED BY* * * *Central Library * *North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST)* *(Deemed University)* *Nirjuli – 791 109.* *Arunachal Pradesh* * * *OVERVIEW* Library is the first institution to ‘organize’ the knowledge which evolved into different models to hold information. With change in time, libraries need to review its roles and objectives. Twenty-first Century libraries are transformed into virtual knowledge center, with the application of computer, multimedia, IT, internet, for open access to information. Libraries are providing information retrieval services as their core content of objectives. The users group may differ but the services remain almost same. Application of IT in libraries has changed the work culture globally. The manual services changed to automation, documents become digitalized, and instead of users are going to libraries for information, now libraries come to user. There are number of libraries in the North East Region still providing services manually. Library professionals working in these libraries do not have primary infrastructure and trained manpower. In this context of scientific organization of knowledge resources library professionals need to develop their competency. Keeping the objectives in view this workshop is organized to render short term training to the working professionals in libraries of North East region. Core content of the workshop is the application of computers, multimedia, internet in library services, database development, literature search, e-resources and open access, automation and knowledge organization. *THEMES* 1. Knowledge resource & their organization. 2. Database development, search & retrieval. 3. Library automation. 4. Compilation of bibliography. 5. Data Resource management & preservation. 6. Open Archive Initiative. *Sub-theme* (a) Knowledge management (b) Design and development of databases. (c) Library automation: Planning, development and implementation. (d) Library networking and Internet. (e) Digital Libraries: Concept, design and development. (f) Information services “User’s need, & satisfaction”. (g) Digital data: “e-resources” (h) Application of multimedia technology in library service. (i) Library application software . (j) Open access information and IPR. (k) Bar-coding technology. (l) Information marketing & TQM *Registration* Library professionals working in any type of library (Academic, Special and Public), Teachers and students of library & Information Science of North Eastern Region can participate in this workshop. Numbers of participants are limited to 30. Registration will be confirmed on first come first serve basis on free. Boarding and lodging is free for all participants. Outside participants will be given both ways sleeper class railway fair/actual bus fair in a shortest route on submission of original tickets. Tatkal charges have to be borne by the participants. *RESOURCE PERSONS* The experts of workshop are in the field of Library and Information science, Computer Science and Management studies from IITs, Universities, NERIST and other reputed academic institutes of NE Region. *IMPORTANT DATES* Last date for submission of application forms by post or email: *12thFebruary, 2010 **.* Intimation to selected participants by Post/Email from : *28th February’2010 **.* (List of selected participants will be displayed in the NERIST website *http://www.nerist.ac.in* ) *THE HOST INSTITUTE* The North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology (NERIST) was set up by the Govt. of India on March, 1984. The institute is located in a picturesque valley at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas and is situated at Nirjuli in the Papumpare district of Arunachal Pradesh, on the National Highway 52-A, about 19 km away from Itanagar- the capital city of Arunachal Pradesh and a distance of about 400 km from Guwahati. The Institute can be accessed by rail and road. Night and day super deluxe buses, to and from Guwahati are available daily. Arunachal Pradesh is the land of exotic orchids and lush green hills and provides an ideal setting for a seat of technical education with a backdrop of quiet and pristine surroundings. The climate of Nirjuli during the month of March is pleasant with a temperature variation from 15˚C to 20˚C *Contact details* Mr. D.M. Sahu, Assistant Librarian Central Library, NERIST, Nirjuli – 791109. Arunachal Pradesh. Email: dmsahu@nerist.ac.in Fax : (0360) 2258533/2257872 Phone: (0360) 2257401 – 12 Extn. 6367 (O) 09776429753 (M) * * *NORTH-EAST REGIONAL WORKSHOP * *ON* *LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND KNOWLEDGE ORGANISATION* *(**March 12-14, 2010**)* * * *REGISTRATION FORM* * * *Name: *……………………………………... * * *Designation:* ……………………………….. * * *Address: *…………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........ * * *Phone Numbers (with STD Code):* * * *(O): _____________(R) _______________* * * *Mobile**: __________________________* * * *Email: _____________________________* * * *Accommodation required: Yes / No * * * *Date: Signature* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.