Dear LIS Professionals,
Everyday I get number of requests for Articles in my mail box. Even though I am unable to comply with their request with a copy of the paper, but I have suggestion.
There is a "National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials (NUCCSI)" brought out by NISCAIR (Formerly INSDOC). That lists journals' holdings of the more than 560 libraries in the country and of about 46,000 titles of journals. It has complete holdings details of these many journals. There is also facility to send email request to the library wherein the concerned issue in which the article has been published. I would suggest all of you to refer to this source and try to seek the article through the channel.
For instance Ms. Hemavathy has been asking for an article published in Indian Forester, 1996. This is available (the particular issue) is available in as many as Five libraries in Karnataka, like ISEC, Karnatak University, Dharwad, UAS, Bangalore, University of Mysore, Central Sericulture Research and Training Institute, so there might be similar cases and the our fellow librarians can utilise this service and serve their users.
Good luck for your search efforts,
Prof.A.Y.AsundiProfessor and Chairman, Ret.Department of Library and Information Science,and Officer in charge, IT Centre,
Bangalore University, BangaloreCell: 9980815468
On Monday, September 14, 2015 11:44 AM, Hemavathi.R