Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:51:37 +0530
From: Sukhdev Singh
Yes, Sukhdev, you are right. The work is in progress. Anita Coleman, the key person at dLIST is temporarily unable to devote much time to dLIST as her son took ill.
Apart from the names mentioned by Michael May, I would add the name of Sathya of Informatics. It was at his daughter's wedding reception I met Prof. Neelameghan, Prof. Raghvan and Dr Prasad of SRELS, all of them together and took their collective consent for Anita to go ahead with the digitization of Prof. SRR's work! Till then things were moving pretty slowly for more than a year.
I have suggested to Anita that after digitising Prof. Ranganathan's works, she should start digitising the works of all great information scientists of his era. As far as I know, the only information scientist, whose entire opus (or almost all of it) is available free on the web is Gene Garfield. [Please correct me if I am wrong]. And the wide range of subjects Garfield has covered is simply amazing.
Best wishes.
Arun [Subbiah Arunachalam]