1. Does anyone out there use the acquisitions function of KOHA 3.6/3.8? 2. Can it handle irregular serials and standing book orders (i.e. serials and books that are released on unknown intervals)? 3. When an item is on order, does it appear in OPAC with appropriate message? 4. How do you receive multiple copies (by range of barcode no./ individual barcode no)? 5. Does it verify availability of a title against OPAC and on-order file before allowing placing order? 6. How do you verify availability of a suggested title (suggested by the member from OPAC)? 7. How good is Serial Module? -- Arup Raychaudhury Indian Statistical Institute 203 BT Road Kolkata 700108. INDIA Phone: 91-33-2575-2106 Fax: 91-33-2578-1412 This mail is scanned by Ironport -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.