Dear Dr. Goudar and others,
I congratulate Dr. Anand Byrappa, for an excellent presentation under KALA. What he has presented is internal data management and how much research data compiled in Doctoral works, Projects and Papers presented by Faculty, I am not sure about it. Hope Dr. Anand will also plan to cover this.
Research Data Management is a new area entitled with libraries responsibility. During my last visit to US in 2017-18, I had come across an advertisement for the Post of Research Data Management Librarian, for Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, in the rank of Associate Dean. I was one of the applicant and interacted with professionals there. I have also referred the Book mentioned on this account ; Ray, Joyce M. ed. Research Data Management:Practical strategies for information professionals. West Lafayette, PurdueUniversity Press, 2014.
Association of Research Libraries in US has also brought a Report entitled SPEC Kit which is a survey Report on University Libraries which are practicing RDM. You can download the SPEC Kit.
I have referred to so far only one article from India on this Subject and according to that paper no University Library in India has a plan on RDM whereas most US Universities have this program. It is not my intent to impressionism of US universities, but as far as India is concerned its social science data is unique and we need to have projects on this. Dr. Ramesha of BUB has been granted an ICSSR Project on this account which was initiated by me. In one or papers of mine I have suggested this as an open elective for LIS Curriculum not only LIS students but also from other faculties can option for this elective.
Another area which often I suggest here is "Digital Humanities" and which will provide a diversification for LIS students to apply the LIS tools and techniques in other domains.
We need to offer a course (as an Elective) in our LIS Curriculum.
Thanks for initiating this topic and I am sure our LIS Teaching faculty would take note of this suggestion.
Prof. A.Y.Asundi
On Saturday, 2 May, 2020, 12:36:38 pm IST, Ishwar Goudar