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Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2013 23:21:39 +0530
From: Ishwar Goudar
Dear Professional Colleagues,
A two days Conference on "Scientometrics and Knowledge Management" has
been organized at Karnatak University during 20-21 April 2013. We have
received very good response both in terms of number of papers and
participation. Many senior professionals are expected attend this
important event. The occasion will a good opportunity for youngsters to
interact with them on various aspects of the profession, apart from the
topic of the conference. *Still there is time till 10th April to submit
papers for presentation*.Few good papers received after 10 April may be
allowed for presentation. Attempts are being made to bring out the volume
of papers.
Prof. S.L. Sangam, a noble and humble LIS teacher, who just retired is
being felicitated during the evening hours of 20th April. The function
will be followed by a dinner in his honour. A volume of papers on the
respective research topics by 26 of his Ph.D. students is being dedicated
to him. An article on biographical sketch and achievements written by Prof
V.G. Talawar, Ex VC of University of Mysore forms part of this volume.A
number of well wishers of Prof. Sangam, colleagues, Library professionals
and participants of the conference will be attending this function.
The details of the conference and subtopics are available at the web site
of Karnatak University.
Accommodation is being organised at University Guest House against nominal
rent. For this purpose you can send mail to
Prof. P.V. Konnur ( Mob; 9449679737) at pvkonnur@gmail.com with a
copy to Dr. S.B. Patil (Mob: 9945808961) at sbpatil7@gmail.com
I on behalf of the Organising Committee invite Professionals to participate
in conference and the felicitation function.
Dr. I.R.N. Goudar
Visiting Professor and Library Adviser
Mysore University Library
University of Mysore
Manasagangotri, MYSORE - 570 006
Formerly Scientist 'G' and Head, Information Centre, NAL, Bangalore
Tel: 0821-2419283 mob: 09611165781
E-mail: goudarishwar@gmail.com