Dear Professionals, Greetings from Department of Library and Information science, Bharathidasan University We the faculty members, Research Scholars, Students and alumni of Department of Library and Information Science, Bharathidasan University happily announce on International Conference on "Knowledge Resources and Library Technologies" February 24-25, 2017 Objective: To bring together LIS professionals, Teaching fraternity, Scientists, knowledge workers in corporate and information industries, the students and research scholars of LIS, Education, Computer Science, Information Technology and other relevant disciplines to deliberate on the prevailing trends, the future technologies towards identification, organization, dissemination and conception and generation of information and knowledge data sets. Call for Papers Original papers as the outcome of research, Case Studies, Surveys, Projects, Best Practices, Innovative information services, Conceptual Papers from LIS Professionals, Faulty Members, Students and Industries are welcome. Themes To meet the objective of the progamme, papers/research articles can be contributed in the following related themes · Knowledge Society and Economy · Knowledge resource building by different types of libraries. · Knowledge Management and the Libraries · Facilitating access to different types of knowledge resources · Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Organization Systems · Tools and Components of Knowledge Organization · Classification, Cataloguing, Indexing, Subject Heading Lists, Thesaurus · Taxonomies, Authority Lists, Metadata, Ontology, Semantic Web · Library Automation, Resource Sharing and Networking · KOS in digital environment · Digital Rights Management (DRM) · Public Library Systems and Services · Scholarly Communication and Publication · Digital Library System · Open Course Ware and Scholarly Open Access · LMS, CMS, E-learning software etc. · Open Source Software · Social Networking Tools and Techniques · User Studies and Information Seeking Behaviour · Library Tourism · Cultural and Heritage Documentation and Archives · Information and Knowledge Ethics · Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Webometrics, Altmetrics · Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Libraries *Guidelines for Submission of Papers* Authors are requested to submit the soft copy of full paper (with abstract not exceeding 200 words and at least three keywords) on e-mail attachment to the organizing secretary. The paper should not exceed 6 pages of A4 size with double line spacing and font size 12 in Times New Roman. Charts, graphs, photographs, if any, should be inserted in appropriate places of the article. References should be given as per the APA Style manual. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN. A few of the selected and extended papers will be published in peer-reviewed/ referred and Indexed Journals. Papers can be e-mail to Organizing Secretary at ickrelt2017@gmail.com For details please visit the conference website: https://ickrelt2017conference.wordpress.com/ *Important Dates* Conference Dates 24-25, February 2017 Last Date of Submission Full Paper 15, February 2017 *Registration * *Registration Type* *LIS Professionals - India Rs. 1500/-* *SAARC Participants $75* *Overseas participants $100* *Students Rs. 750/-* *(only MLIS, M.Phil., Ph.D Regular Scholar)* *Last Date for Registration* The last date for registration is 20th February 2017 Papers will be published Conference Proceeding with ISBN Number only after the receipt of Registration Fee (Registration is mandatory for at least one of the author) The Registration fee includes Conference kit, working lunch, refreshments. The demand draft may be drawn in favour of “Bharathidasan University, Trichy -24”. An author can contribute a maximum of two papers (either first or co-author). The paper will be included in the conference volume only after receiving the registration fee along with filled in Registration Form. The soft copy should be mailed to ickrelt2017@gmail.com. *Accommodation * Accommodation for outstation participants will be arranged at the University Guest House and neighboring facilities on request. The Guest House has Rs. 500 per day on twin sharing basis. The payment for the guest house accommodation should be made on the spot by cash. The participants are requested to confirm the arrival and departure timing over phone/e-mail. Plenty of Hotels/Lodges are also available with nominal cost. Please visit our conference site for more information. with kind regards *Organizing Secretaries* *Dr. S. Srinivasa Ragavan* Professor and Head Department of Library and Information Science Bharathidasan University Trichy – 24 Cell: 9486916358 & *Dr. R. Balasubramani * Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science Bharathidasan University Trichy – 24 Cell: 9994889426 https://ickrelt2017conference.wordpress.com -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.