CALL FORPARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONALLIBRARIANS NETWORK (ILN) Dear colleagues, Want to build yourprofessional network and learn about librarianship around the world? Love theidea of professional travel but just don’t have the budget? The InternationalLibrarians Network (ILN) is for you. ILN pleased to announce the next round of thispopular program will commence in March 2016. The ILN peer mentoring program is a facilitated programs aimed athelping librarians develop international networks. Participating in the ILNbrings wider professional awareness, an international perspective to your work,new ideas, and increased professional confidence. We know this because many ofour participants tell us – and we’ve had over 3500 librarians from 120countries taken part so far. Peer mentoring helps professionals develop partnerships and grow theirnetwork. The ILN uses a model where all participants are treated as equals whohave valuable experiences to share. This means that partners are not placedinto established mentor/protégé roles, but rather are encouraged to view theirpartnership as a way to learn from each other; all are mentors and all areprotégés. So why participate in a peer mentoring program? Peer mentoring can allow you to: 1. rediscover your own valuable skillsby sharing your experiences with your partner 2. learn a different perspective on yourprofession 3. build your network 4. reinvigorate the passion your career 5. develop your professional skills Applications for the next round of partnerships programi.e from March 2016 are beingaccepted now and close at midnight on Monday15 February 2016 - just twoday away! . Numbers arelimited, so apply early to ensure you don’t miss out. This email is to remind you. If you have already applied for theprogram, please ignore this email. Participationin the program is free and open to anyone working or studying in libraries andtheir related fields. The only requirements are an internet connection, Englishfluency, one hour each week to communicate with your partner, and a willingnessto share and learn with colleagues around the world. If you've enjoyed your participation in the last round, why not sign upfor another partner, and continue building an international professionalnetwork. Tell your colleagues about the program as well, and get the benefitsof shared professional development. You can find out more about how the program works here: http://interlibnet.org/how-the-program-works/ Or you can explore our Frequently Asked Questions here: http://interlibnet.org/frequently-asked-questions/ Applications can be submitted online here: http://interlibnet.org/apply-for-the-iln/ If you have additional questions about the program, please don'thesitate to contact us at contact@interlibnet.org / ksatpathy@gmail.com . Thanks & Regards, Dr. Kishor Satpathy ILN Ambassador- India NIT Silchar