Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 13:26:23 +0530
From: madaiah krishnamurthy
Dear Professional Friends,
Mysore University Library in association with Society for Information
Science (SIS) Bangalore chapter plans to organise a sympoium on Recent
Adances in Information Science during 28-29 March, 2008 .
Objectives of the Symposium:
The main objective of the sympoium is to share experiences and knowledge
on the recent advances in information science field. Particularly, the
discussions in the symposium will be centered on:
Electronic Information sources and services
Open Access and Open (Source)Wares
Library Consortia and Networking
Web 2.0 and Library 2.0
Inviteds Experts: Learned Experts in the field of Library and Information
Science are invited to deliver lectrues on the theme of the symposium.
Participants: Librarians, Information Scientists, Researchers and School
of Library and Informaton Science.
Registration fee:
The Registration fee for the sympoisum is Rs. 600/= (Rupees six hundred
only).This includes working lunch, tea and resource kit.
Accommodation: Accommodation at a nominal cost could be arranged for a
limtied number of participants on a first - cum-first serve basis in the
guest house attached to the University of Mysore.
Registration Form:
1. Name.........
2. Designation .....
3. Institution ......
4. Address.......
5. Phone....
6. Email .....
7. Accommodation Requried Yes No
8. Registration Fee: Rs 600/=
D.D No Date
Date Signature
Registration form and Broucher of the symposium theme have been sent to
the different organisation.
Dr. M.Krishnamurthy
Organising Secretary
Dr.M.Krishnamurthy,M.A.,M.L.I.Sc., PhD.
University Librarian
University of Mysore
Mysore 570006
Ph: 91-0821-2514808/2419388
Fax: 91-0821-2419335