_RSS Generators/Generators of RSS_ Colleagues/ I am greatly interested in learning of your favorite Small Scale and/or Large Scale RSS generators for Web Feeds. For a overview of Web feed and their application for library services please see my latest article "Rich Site Services: Web Feeds for Enhanced Information and Library Services," _LLRX®: Legal and Technology Articles and Resources for Librarians, Lawyers and Law Firms_, September 20, 2004. Available at [ http://www.llrx.com/features/richsite.htm ] (accessed 13 October 2004). Yes, I know I can Google (and have) but would prefer to Tap/Touch the Wisdom of the Web [:-) BTW: The Generation of other feed technologies (e.g., Atom) and techniques (e.g., JavaScript) are also of interest. I am particularly interested in Web Feed generation from Content Management System for Internet or Intranets, most notably those used in major U.S. Government Agencies. TIA! /Gerry Gerry McKiernan Interesting Librarian Iowa State University Ames IA 50011 gerrymck@iastate.edu