Dear Professionals,
International Network for the availability of Scientific Publications(INASP) was established by the International Council for Science (ICSU) in 1992, as a direct response to a study on how to meet the information needs of scientists in the developing world. INASP operated within the legal entity of ICSU until 2003, and was formalised as an Interdisciplinary Body of ICSU in 2005.
PERI is a programme to support capacity building in the research sector in developing and emerging countries by strengthening the production, access and dissemination of information & knowledge.
We can register with several publishers and access free full text of articles form a large number of journals published .
Please visit the given URL , choose your country and registered with the resources available under a specific country.
Resources available in Nepal – Institute of Physics Publishing, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, Cochrane Library , American Physical Society APS …
Binod Kumar Yadav
BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal
Currently ongoing training
Dept. of Library and information Science
University of Mysore
Manasagangotri, Mysore-06