Dear Member Please review our article titled "Open Access and institutional repositories - a developing country perspective: a case study of India" and give your valuable comments. If this article does not include your OA/ IR initiatives accessible worldwide, please provide details to the undersigned. Yours sincerely Anup Kumar Das World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council "Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society" 20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea Open Access and institutional repositories - a developing country perspective: a case study of India S.B. GHOSH (Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India) and ANUP KUMAR DAS (Jadavpur University, New Delhi, India) ____________________________________________________ 1st International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2006) December 06-08, 2006; Bangalore, India ____________________________________________________ National Conference on Information Management in Digital Libraries (NCIMDiL) August 02-04, 2006; IIT, Kharagpur, India ____________________________________________________ International Conference on Computing: Theory and Applications March 5 - 7, 2007 Venue: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India Website: ____________________________________________________ Indo German e-Gurukul on Digital Libraries (An joint e-learning initiative of DRTC, Bangalore & MMB, New Delhi using Moodle software) ___________________________________________________ EU Scholarship Scholarship Program for India worth 33 Million Euro How to Apply ____________________________________________________ Send instant messages to your online friends