Accession registers are essential documents in a library. Librarian is taking charge of the items he has purchased for the library by under the entry. He has the resposibility and authority for what ever entry he has made in the register by signing under it. I do not think that, at present the technology can offer an alternative for this type of an inventory which can create suvh an authority and responsibility with a person in charge of the library. Moreover, for audit purposes an inventory of this type is most essential. Gopakumar.V Research Scholar DLIS, Mangalore University Gopakumar.V Research Scholar Department of Library & Information Science Mangalore University Mangalagangotri Accession registers are essential documents in a library. Librarian is taking charge of the items he has purchased for the library by under the entry. He has the resposibility and authority for what ever entry he has made in the register by signing under it. I do not think that, at present the technology can offer an alternative for this type of an inventory which can create suvh an authority and responsibility with a person in charge of the library. Moreover, for audit purposes an inventory of this type is most essential. Gopakumar.V Research Scholar DLIS, Mangalore University Gopakumar.V Research Scholar Department of Library & Information Science Mangalore University Mangalagangotri