Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:13:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: amudhavalli alagusundaram
I do agree with the views of Ms. Vasumathi. she has always been concerned
over this. No good candidate is ever entering any school, barring a very
very few. It is very sad. I raise this issue in every platform. LIS
Schools alone are not to be blamed. As she says it is a circle. LIS is the
last resort or a refugee camp for many entrants. Added to this alarming
situation, are those Distance Education programmes going haywire.
We have from this acadmiec year made soft skills as compulsory module for
all . And our DEPT has signed MOU with a commercial firm to include soft
skills course (4 credits) for our students and all others in the campus.
let us see if there can be any progress.
Vasumathi Sriganesh wrote,
You have really touched a very deep chord. We can no longer reject the truth
that we are faced with - however bitter it is. I know I have talked about
all these things to many people on one or more of these lists and definitely
with the individuals cc-ed on this list. I am also aware that there are a
handful of excellent dedicated librarians in India - but the number is
dwindling alarmingly.Also - they are buried deep in their institutions and
do not spread their wings across - mostly because they not permitted to. I
am praying hard that the National Knowledge Commission's findings and
reports may do some resurrection for the profession.